Aug 032012

cat tunnels

We got this pawsum [amazon_link id=”B0044ECESE” target=”_blank” ]cat tunnel[/amazon_link] frum one of human1’s co-workers fur xmas last year. It gets put away every once in awhile so when it comes back out it iz just like a new toy all ovah agin.

It iz perfect size fur dem monsters but I can play in it too, mostly. But I do fink cat tunnel manufacturers shuld fink about makin a bigger vershun fur us bigger kittehs. Just meowin.

I can still hab fun pouncin on da monsters from da outside, but I finks it fun runnin thru it all a heckin, but I can no do dat. Just dem lil monsters fit in it to run like crazy cats thru da tunnel.  Da monsters need a thwokkin thru da tunnel and sumtimes dey even needs to be sat on (see da photos below. MOL)

cat tunnels

cat tunnels

cat tunnels

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