In a galaxy far, far away u will seed Boris Kitty thwokkin the crap out of da darkside MOL.
OMC I wuz so excited when I first learned dat des pawsum toys n utter pet goodies were coming from PETCO. Den I wuz heartbroken to lerned dey gonna showcase dem at Barkworld cause we could not afford to go (and dis lil kitteh bloggy dozn’t warrant a sponsor fur events like dis….dey all fink cause dey iz on ma side of da werld I can afford to get ma self der…buts dats anutter bloggy n anutter rant fur anutter day TODAY’s Bloogy iz all about geek anipals n der geeky parents!), so I missed out on cool Star Wars swag to boot!
About a month ago Human2 lerned sum pawsum wunnerful news but did not knows iffen herz could share it wif da werld (herz gotted hers paws on da Petco internal announcement of da Star Wars Pets line and gotted to see all da sweet cool stuff ahed of time). So we kept r mouths shut. But now da cat’s out of da bag n we can halp share da pawsum mews.
Now dis line iz not supposed to be in stores until September 1 (when Petco runnin big promos & I seed da San Fran store iz doin sumfin on Caturday too) SO CHECK UR PETCO NOW FOR DETAILS cause ma one store hard der stuff out almost two weeks ago! (Dats where I got ma paws on des pawsum toys.)
Now der iz gonna be LOADS of doggy fings n kitteh fings n da store might not hab dem all in one pplace but I not sure why not cause dey need to showcase des bad boys!.I gots da TIE Fighter, Millennium Falcon and Yoda/Chewie Mice (to start wif….o yes I will be gettin more….and YES we will hab sum of dis cool stuff at SCIFIpawty fur pwizes too)
Doogies will hab cool sqweek toys, collars, dog tags, shirts, costumes, yoda ears etc. Both lil doggies n kittehs can snooze in one of da beds (der will be Darth Vader and Yoda). Sides da cool kitteh fings u see me wif der will be Leia hair, Yoda ears, Deathstar ball (gettin dat) n Darth Vader & Stormtrooper mice (I sure I furgotted sumfin but u will be seein it in stores n onlines des Sunday!)
Piper had to inspect EVRYFING afore I could get ma paws on it.

No TIE Fighter is a match fur me! Sumtimes when I m playin I gets a lil crazy n hab to go n hide frum da “prey” so I can sneaks up on it in sneak attacks.
As u can see des r pawsum fun toys n all three us us gib dem four paws up! (Dat sayin sumfin cause we not all like all toys all da time)
HAI SAVINGS ALERT: $7 off your order of $70 at
Disclaimer: des toys were bought from ma own hard earned moneys we were not sponsored or endorsed by PETCO fur dis post (but I tryin to gets dem to donate fur SCIFIpawty so stay tuned). No kittehs or Star Wars collectibles….er toys were harmed in da making of dis post.