May 012010

I gotted to go outside today affer da mail comed (I gotted prezzies tell you all abouts dem tomorrow) and human1 gotted home from running errands. Da humanz had to mow n whack dem weeds afore i could go out too. But den I gotted to go outsides and hang in ma Kritter Kondo for a couple of hours while dey did work in da yard.

I did get to watch birdies and buggies from ma Kritter Kondo but did not see any squirrels at all. Wunder where dem squirrels wuz hiding on such a bootiful day like today. Here are sum of da fings I seed while I wuz in da safety of ma Kritter Kondo…

Boy did dis guy make some noise when he did lands. Hims a dove not a pigeon btu dey iz beary similar.

Dat beary same tree did hab a nasty case of ants livin in it. humans did sprays a little but dey gonna hab to call sum1 afore da tree falls on da house.

And der where little tweety birds dat did not likes dat I wuz so close to der nests. Dey did fly down at me n tweet den fly into da tree or over to da neighbors house like dis guy did.
When da humans were dun workings I wuz allowed out of da Kritter Kondo so I could check out der werk.

I just lub hidin under da lilac bush. It ma beary own jungle where de humanz dunt go. But soon it did warm up and I went up to da porch to kick back and relax a bit.

But u nose wot? dem birdies would not leave me alone long enough to get a nap in. So I did sneak up to da edge of da front porch to see wot da heck wuz going on.

Well I guess da nice warm spring day did get dem birdies frisky cause dey wuz up in dat tree kissing! Yep dat wot dey wuz doin I doz no tells tales! See fur u self….

U mite haz to biggify da pikshur but u can clearly see dem birdies K-I-S-S-I-N-G….Human2 sez herz will tells me all about da birds and da bees  sum time when I iz old enuff.

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