Dec 232011

First Santa dropped off boxes from up north (Canada) from ma Pal Zackary Rabbit. Den he broughted me some boxes from TomorrowLands (ma pals in Australia) and ma Secret Santa gift of slamon noms!!! Now he dropped off dis really big heavy box! We hab no idear who dis one frum. Who did sends us dis big prezzie?  We habbin a pawsum xmas fanks to r furrends! FANKS U ALL. I just wishes I could gib u all a BIG BIG BORIS HUGS fur xmas.

Xmas Prezzies

Zack Rabbit doz a bootiful job of wrappin hiz gifts. H2 won’t let me open dem yet 🙁

Xmas Prezzies

Des big boxes are frum ma pal downunder. Can I open dem? no 🙁

Xmas Prezzies

Dis box iz SO BIG and heavy r furrend Scooter had to bring it in da house fur us.

Xmas Prezzies

I tried to paw it open but dat not werked.

Xmas Prezzies

Den I tried to bitey it open and dat still no werked!

Xmas Prezzies

Human2 will u open it PLEEZ???

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