Nov 132012

This past weekend I wented out to halp ma humanz rake up da leafs. We haz one tree n it doz cover our lil yard wif leafs all Autumn long. We gotta gets dem raked afore da big truck comes by to suck dem up. OMC da iz da skeeriest vacuum a kitteh haz ever seed. (iffen I ever sees it & dunt runs n hides I will take a pikshur to show u).

I wuz allowed outside even tho ma Kritter Kondo wuz putted away fur da winter alreddy az long az I wuz a good boy. Well I gots too close to da front steps so Human1 wuz coming to get me. So I ran ovah to Human2 to hide.

boris in leafs

See dem feets? Dat iz H1 comin to gets me.

boris in leafs

Not only hab I nevah evah gotted in a leaf pile afore. Digging n buryin ma hed in one wuz definitely out of character fur me. But hai I wuz hidin affer all!

boris in leafs

When I felt safe enuff I stuck ma hed out n smiled at H2. Cause I knewed I wuz stayin put!

Wot fun stuff doz u do in da Fall times?

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