Mar 192011

Today it wuz finally warm enuff fur human2 to set up my Kritter Kondo, but wot herz did not tells me wuz we gotted a whole new section of kondo to add to it. It iz called a Kritter Konnector. It iz a 9 foots addition to ma Deluxe Kritter Kondo so I now haz a 15 foots run.

Let me gib u a tour. Dis be da one end…

I did walk from one end to da utter and backs agin. I must say I finks I likes dis new EXTRA LONG kondo. Da Konnector iz just az easy to puts up az ma regular kondo. It just haz a few extra steps and human2 had to puts 2 screws into da third section. Da only problem human2 did hab wuz wif my Deluxe Kritter Kondo. Herz could no gets da doors off, but herz did eventually get one off. But az u can seed we werked it out even wif da doors still attached. MOL

Dis be da middle…

Dis be da middle agin from da utter end. MOL

I do lub ma kondo so much I gibbed it cheek rubs.

Look it iz a Boris at da far end of da Longest Kritter Kondo in da Werld!
I seed a Squirrel!!!

He teased me.
I watch him go up a tree. He lucky I in ma Kondo.

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