Jun 122010

OMC! OMC! I did gets da one and only Julie Newmar’s pawtography today when ma humanz did go to da Philadelphia Comic Con.

Wow looks at all dem purrty kittehs in dat photo wif Ms Newmar. I finks dis iz gonna starts sumfin. Dis kitteh mite haz to gets pawtographs frum all dem purrty ladies wot ever played Catwoman.

Did u sees wot it sez? “for Boris, You’re purr….fect, Julie Newmar” *SWOON*

Fanks  u so beary much Ms Newmar for signing ma pikshure fur me. U dat bestest cat. Meowza!

Ok humanz, dis habs ma names on it it iz mines. Keeps ur paws off of it! 

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