Sep 232011

I really did not wanna get outta bed dis mornin (although the call of the noms wuz strong).

I also did not want Human2 to get up or go to work today either! But Herz did anywho….Pffffft!

After H2 hitted da snooze button on da loud wakey up box, herz rolled onto herz side. So I jumped up on herz side n hip (I so big I runs da whole length of herz torso). I tried pinning herz down so herz could no get up. But den dat loud wakey up box wented off again. H1 comed in from da utter room to turns it off for us and I still did no get off H2!

Usually when H1 appears it means it time to run down for brekkies, but I stayed put on top of H2. I did eventually hab do go get ma noms, but when I was done H2 wuz in da shower getting waters ALL over her. So I settled in at ma utter favorite spot at foot of da bed on da floor (in da path H2 needs to use to escape to go to dat work place).

No matter wot I did to try to stop herz H2 still went to work leavin me here to deal wif dem foster monsters all day.

It be a rainy ugly day here so I finks I gonna sleeps all day long (and ignore da foster monsters as best I can).

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