Dec 162011

Sicky BorisAz u all should knows by now I haz been sicky and not online too much da past week. Last Friday I wuz throwin up and poopin liquid poos. It iz bad enuff to hab me barfin cause I NEVER barfs and I did many times thru da day n night. I cry like sumone iz hurtin me big time too when i throws up. But den to top it off with pure liquid poos — dis wuz not good, NO WAY! At least I wuz makin it to da litter box for da poo part so all da humanz needed to clean up were da barfisodes all over da house.

So come Saturday morning ma humanz rushed me to da v-e-t. Dey did poke me and prod me and I hads a fever of 103.5. So I gotted a shot for da fever and meds to takes in case dem foster monsters did gib me giardia or campy bugs! Da humanz were told da meds were yucky tasting and not to use pill pockets or else I would foam at da mouth like a kitteh wif rabies. (skeery no?) So da v-e-t did gib dem a pill shooter, but it wuz too small and would not hold da big yucky pills. So dey had to hold me down and throw da pill in ma throat da old fashion way. Thanks goodness H1 would do it cause the day H2 tried (4 times afore givin up) I did drool and foam at mouth like da v-e-t said. It did make H2 feel so sorry dat herz even tried when I alreddy felt so bad. (I gonna milk dat one for a LONG time now).

Even tho I wuz gettin pills and ma poopin stopped i wuz still not nommin much nor drinkin but ma piddles seemed like lots more so ma humanz gotted worrieder and tooked me back to dat darn V-E-T yesterday. Pffffft!

At Vets OfficeDats when I gotted even more pokes n prods dun to me! Temperature wuz normal. Herz did not feel big hard poops in me so no worries der (but I hate hate hate dat finger poke!). Den dey tooked me in da back to steal sum of ma bloods! Well let me tells u, I wuz not gonna makes it easy on dem no way no how! I did wot dat vet called an alligator death roll every time dey tried to stick me wif dat fing. Ma humanz could hear ma YEOWS from da back room! Den da vet returned wif me wrapped in a blankey, dat is how dey finally got me to gib up ma bloods.

Dey gonna checks ma kidneys, livers and make sure I not gettin diabetes or nuffin like dat. We still waitin on the results of da stolen bloods. Now I haz to make a poopy so da humanz can take in a stool sample for to make sure der no bugs or worms in der still. Danr foster monsters gibbin me fings n makin me sick!!! Oh and dey won’t leave me alone and dey knows I dunt feels good!!

So please pity me! And fanks u all for keepin me in your thoughts, purrs & pwayers through da pawcircle!

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