Jul 162015
Boris Kitty affer chest tap

You can see da red spot in my chest where da big needle went in me.

Hallooo all!

As many of you knows I hab been (and still is) a beary sicky boy. Last year when I went to hab my megacoloon surgery dey found dat I had Chylothorax (lymph fluid in my chest). The prognosis for Chylothorax isn’t good, but my humanz had faith in and wif a special diet and meds (Rutin) da fluids stayed away and I wuz able to hab da surgery I needed to be able to poop and hab a chance at a better life.

Off and on in da past year I had bouts of colitis and utter poopy problems. The doctor putted me on steroids for dat and my gut pains seemed to stop. Den last month da fluid reappeared in my chest and I had to go have an ultrasound and have it drained. Then about 10 days later I had to have it drained again and den 2 weeks later drained again.

H2 finks being on steroids probably brought da fluids back (the vet won’t agree, but really dey don’t knows nuffin much about dis disease). I’m off dem steroids and hab been takin lasix since da first vet visit dis time round wif all dis chest draining.

Boris playin

Who sez Im too sicky to play?!

Da vet did give Human2 da quality of life speech after da second time and both my humanz knows dat if Im suffering or in pain dey need to let me go. But fur now Im hangin on and fightin dis fing. Im eatin and playin and lubbin on my humanz every day. I fink I hab a good quality of life and hope to stick around a bit longer. I dunt wanna jinx dis but we hopin dat da lasix iz werkin (which we had da doctor double on da third chest drainin cause I get my meds in my ear and da steriods needed to be increased cause I wuz no absorbin enuff). My breathin is a little fast but not above the danger line.

I fanks u all fur da pawcircle it seems to be werkin. After da 2nd vet visit H2 wuz beary sad but did not feel it was time for me to leave yet so when da third time came around dey opted to hab da procedure done again. Keep up da good werk and I will try to keep hangin in der for a bit longer.

I made it to my 10th birthday and my 10th gotcha day is comin up on da 23rd. Human2 n I r takin life day by day and lubbin on each utter as much as we can. Herz cherishes every minute wif me.

My Tenth Birfaday

Sorry we hab not been keepin u all up to da minute on all dat iz goin on. It iz hard fur us to talk about all dis stuff. H2 iz a big mess most of da time so we hab only been able to tweet out about big important fings and just keep hangin in der (kinda like a kitteh poster). But we so beary much appreciate all ur lub n support.

H2 wasn’t even sure we were gonna need to buy me more foods/meds but I provin everybuddy wrong and we ordered up food and my meds dis week. *rolls eyes* Chewy.com did mess wif my noms but der on da way now.

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