Yesterday I wuz hanging out in ma Kritter Kondo wif Human1 when all of da sudden da squirrel wot usually teases da neighbor kitty, Tater, decided to sneak over and bother me.
Der he iz over at Tater’s house mindin he own business when…
…he gets it in he little squirrel head to sneak over da fence and…
…head over to ma house. Where….
…he climbed ma tree and sat der lookin at me. But dat wuz not good enuff for him. O, NO! He got it in he lil squirrel brain dat I wuz da intruder and he started yellin and yellin at me! No fair I sez. Dis iz ma house you are da intruder here Mr. Squirrel.
Den today he came back again while I was in ma Kritter Kondo. This time we sat on a rock in ma garden right in front of me! I tried to get him but I ran right into the netting of ma Kondo’s back doors stopping me from getting in trouble for sure! Just as I did dat a car comed down the alley and would have sqwished me dead. Ma Kritter Kondo
did truly keep dis indoor kitty safe outdoors today!