May 282011

We all knows how much I lub ma Kritter Kondo right? (in case you furgots just do a search fur “kritter kondo” here on ma bloggy)

I lub going outside and the only way I can safely go outside iz wif ma humanz and when dey put me in ma kondo. Dats cause I go to close to da road or out in our alley where cars could sqwish me dead iffen I wuz loose. Believe me you none of us wants dat.

And to be honest I am not to be trusted iffen der iz squirrels or birdies around me.

As u can seed by dat pikshur I am VERY interested in sumfin outside ma kondo.

Dat right it wuz a SQUIRREL!

He comed around and bothered me several times while I wuz outside and iffen i wuz loose I surely would have chased him.

Which of course would not be my fault but i would get all da blame and get grounded like when ma pal JB Hippo comed to visit me and I runned out of ma Kondo and down the alley and human2 had to run affer me.

See how dat squirrel just comes right up to us. He doz not care dat I am in ma kondo, but worst of all he doz not care dat human2 iz standin right der!

It wuz a Bootiful day and I wuz outside for HOURS!

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