Aug 152010

Da utter day I posted a video of me watch Cat TV. I wuz watchin ma very own DVDs made just fur kitties called Cat Sitter videos. Der are three different volumes of kitteh fun. My favorite iz Cat Sitter Volume 1 cause it haz all sorts of critters, buggies, and birds.

Cat Sitter Volume 2 iz fur da birds….literally, it iz ALL birdies (see da bottom pikshure).

Cat Sitter Volume 3 haz a lot of fishies in it! Gotta lub dem fishy wishies! I do recommends gettin the trilogy in da box set. It iz like da classic Star Wars trilogy but fur kitties!!!

Den der iz Video Catnip DVD wot haz lots of outside critters like squirrels, chipmunks and birds. Wif critter sounds n sum musiks. Dis one iz pawsum too. ALL da kitty videos loop so dey will play over and over again for ur cats. Purrty sweet.

Dis wot happens when ur kitteh gets too eggsited over watchin da videos & haz to go in fur closer inspekshuns.

Video Catnip haz sum of da best outdoor shots of squirrels & birds in it. Like dis here shot (but dis happens to be from Cat Sitter Volume 1).

I really likes watchin da birdies on Cat Sitter Volume 2.  Cat Sitter Volume 3 iz all fishies but it iz beary gud too!

Dis iz me watching Cat Sitter Volume 2. Like I said it iz fur da birds. It iz ALL birdies. Humanz can put on subtitles & see wot kinds of birides we kittehs are so interested in. Purtty cool huh?

Now fur dat advice fur da humanz in da house wot control da TV & DVD players…

  1. Make sure you don’t hab anyfing breakable on or around your TV cause we will get up close to see where dem critters iz and try to get dem.
  2. If u hab a flat screen TV like dis make sure it bolted to da wall or stand. Otherwise u will hab to stay in da room wif ur kitty while dey watch der TV. Don’t want u comin home to a broken flat screen TV on da floor!
  3. Do not use ur surround sound (even tho da DVDs do hab surround sound) cause it will confuse us kitties az to where we should be lookin for da critters (I kept twistin ma head backwards finkin dey were behinds me.)
  4. If u play dis on ur pooter don’t be surprised if ur keyboard gets pounced on and da screen swatted at!
  5. Hab fun wif ur kitties dey gonna lub da videos.
  6. Start ur kitty’s DVD collekshun today!

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