Oct 102010

I did lern about these way cool trading cards frum Human2 when herz wented to BlogPaws West last month.

My pals Fergus, Sebastian and Romeo did hab dem and we did alreddy collect dem pals! Human2 wanted sum rite den & der but we had to wait fur herz to come home to join da site & order up sum cards for me. It iz SO easy all you do iz join, write up your profile, uploading sum pikshurs and gib ur credit card info (wot iz safe & secure so no worries there). Den Toki haz himz peoples design your card for you and ships it out rite qwik.

So now I haz ma beary own trading cards to share wif all ma pals! I did inspekt dem good when dey arrived (a few were smooshed from shipping, but dats ok). We still finks dat TokiPoki.com is Okey Dokey!

So who wants a Boris Kitty trading card? Dems iz gonna be worth big bucks (I better not see any on eBay!) While I won’t deprive any one of ma anipals from gettin one of ma cards it would be bestest iffen we could trade (I needs to grow ma collekshun). So if u don’t haz any trading cards u best run ovah to TokiPoki.com and gets sum rite qwik!

Ma first trade iz wif ma pal @PumpkinPuddy. We iz exchangin cards thru da snail mails. Herz wuz mailed yesterday. I sittin by da mail slot waitin fur Pumpkin’s Trading Card.

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