Boris Kitty

Nov 262011

Needs Bigger Bed

Dear Santa Paws,

I needs a bigger bed please. Ma hhuman2 sez dis iz a medium dog bed but no way no how. Herz also sed it iz a new bed (and wuz sposed to be fur da foster monsters…oops). Any who iffen u haz one in ur sleigh could u mehbe drop it off at ma house?

Fanks u and *HUGS*


Nov 142011

Well Edgar flew home over the weekend so he could go to this rally to support the Senate Bill 1329, which is known as Daniel’s Law. I wrote a bloggy about it asking all PA residents to please support the bill by askin their senators to pass the bill into law.

The rally seemed really cool and dat Edgar  got to meet both Senator Dinniman and da doggy Daniel for whom dat bill iz named affer. Iz dat cool or wot? So human2 figured we better get started on doing our part and we addressed envelopes and signed letters to all da senators on Sen. Dinniman’s website and had H1 also sign sum to our local Representative and Senator too! I wuz beary busy lickin all dem envelopes closed.

Edgar and the Senator Senator Dinniman and Daniel

Edgar wif Daniel

Nov 102011

panic mouse web cat toyDis new toy called da Panic Mouse Web iz purrty cool. It frum da same folks wot makes da Undercover Mouse toy wot I lub o so beary much.

While da Panic Mouse Web iz purrty fun it not quite az much fun az dat Undercover Mouse. At least dat iz wot we kittehs finks here, but dat did no stop us from playin wif it and habbin a good time. Sides it iz a good alternative to da utter toy. We just wish it had a timer on it so it could run fur mehbe 5, 10 or 15 minutes den shut off.

Da Panic Mouse Web iz dis cool plastic web wif a ball inside dat is pushed around by a wand. Da ball inside da toy haz a bell in it and cool spider shaped cut-outs.

Charles got to play wif it first which I dunt fink iz fair in da least. We were not sure iffen he ever played wif a motorized toy and thought mehbe him would be skeered of it. Guess wot? He wuz not skeered at all. He started nosing at it right away and soon dat paw of his wuz way inside affer da ball!

When Charles wuz tired of playing da rest of us had a chance to get our paws on it. I of course being da gentleman dat I am wound up backin off and lettin the three girls play wif it. I will get ma chance laterer.

panic mouse web cat toy

panic mouse web cat toy

panic mouse web cat toy

Disclaimer stuff: We gotted a sample of dis toy frum but dat in no way colors our opinion. Likes dis toy our opinion iz still black and white. And will always remain mine. MOL

Nov 092011

I just finded out from the Humane Society of Berks County dat der is a bill sitting in the state capitol that needs to be passed. It iz da Senate Bill 1329, which is known as Daniel’s Law. It iz called Daniel’s Law because of the little beagle wot went into the gas chamber to die and walked back out affer witnessing hiz pals die all around him. How he survived is beyond me, but now he iz a spokes dog for getting dis bill passed.

It iz horrible to fink dat ANY animal welfare group out there would prefer to use the agonizing deaths of gas chambers in this day and age, but there are! And we need to get this bill passed. PA needs a ban on the use of ALL gas chambers for the euthanasia of unwanted animals.

Problem az I seeds it iz dat our state representatives and senators are just sitting on this bill. So we need da halp of all PA peoples to get out der and write some letters. (You remember how to do dat rite?) So go to the website and find out who your representatives are and put pen to paper. Let them know you will be watching how they vote and that will determine how you vote in the next election. (Since we just had one they will sensitive to their upcoming elections.) Find your legislator at the PA General Assembly’s website. Do it for Daniel. Do it for all the animals who have followed Daniel and did not survive!

I will be writing to both:

Hon. Dante Santoni Jr.
4933 Kutztown Road
Temple, PA 19560
(610) 921-8921
Fax: (610) 921-9369

Hon. Dante Santoni Jr.
317 Irvis Office Building
PO Box 202126
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2126
(717) 783-3290
Fax: (717) 787-7517


Sen. Judith L. Schwank
Senate Box 203011
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3011
Room: 352 Main Capitol
(717) 787-8925
FAX: (717) 772-0578

Sen. Judith L. Schwank
1940 North 13th Street
Suite 232
Reading, PA 19604
(610) 929-2151
FAX: (610) 929-2576


I haz already written to Sen. Andy Dinniman to thank he for halping to spearhead dis bill and for working for the betterments of animal welfare! Sen. Dinniman has more information on wot u can do to help get the Ban on Gas Chambers Bill Passed.

You can read more about Daniel over at and he is currently up for adoption thanks to 11th Hour Rescue!


Nov 062011

At BlogPaws dis year one of da fings in swag bags wuz doggy training pads from Purina. [amazon_link id=”B0053XX16O” target=”_blank” ]Purina ProCare Ultra Dry Advanced Training Pads[/amazon_link] to be exact. I knows many of you dunt fink of kittehs when you fink of training pads, but they really are a good solution for some of us.

I did not go into too much details about Bela crossing da Rainbow Bridge. But az it got closer to the time when herz would be leaving us herz sprung a leak herz had kitty incontinence. Every where herz went herz leaved a little puddle of piddle. So we used training pads to halp keep the clean up to a minimum. We covered all her favorite layin spots wif pads. herz did not seem to mind and still laid in her special spots, but the humanz only had to pick up a pad and not have to scrub and scrub da carpet or da sofa or da bed covers fanks to da pads.

Herz also had a habit of peeing outside the box. Herz never quite got the hang of going all the way in and sitting down to peeing. Her butt almost always stuck out and herz would make a mess. If da humanz had thought of putting down training pads around the box earlier they would have saved years of cleaning up potty messes.

I on the other hand am a purrfect boy and NEVER, EVER make messes….NOT!

I only use the litter box about half the time. We don’t know why. I have been to the V-E-T and dey say it not dat I sick (sumtimes it iz and I get horrible pills to take. I started my inappropriate urinating in the kitchen under the table (and almost ruined the new wood laminate floor). I have since been banished from that room via a fancy baby gate. So no more kitchen lovins for Human2 when herz gets home from werk. Then I started going on the landing at the bottom of our steps. So the humans started putting training pads down there and I would go on the pads. Then dey thought wot if he iz like Picasso and just does like the sand? (Herz had a box wif towels in cause herz would not use a regular box wif litter in it.) So they put a training pad in a box on the landing. Guess wot? I refused to use it. so now the box is there wif a pad in it but no more messes there.

Instead I started going in front of the radiator in the dining room. The humanz are very upset wif me, but very frustrated too since dey not knows wot iz causing dis behavior. The [amazon_link id=”B0053XX16O” target=”_blank” ]Purina ProCare Ultra Dry Advanced Training Pads[/amazon_link] were once again a purrfect solution along wif the bottle of [amazon_link id=”B0058TOP3G” target=”_blank” ] Purina Pro Care Carpet & Upholstery Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator [/amazon_link] dat we got from Purnina to try wif da pads. Ma humanz cleaned up my piddle spot using the enzyme cleaner and putting down two pads (ma piddle spots look like a human did go there). Putting the pads down afore the enzyme solution wuz dry halped keep it werking. The Purina stain remover seems to werk az good az any (and believe u me we haz tried just about all of dem) and it haz a pleasant scent that wuz not overbearin and did not make H2’s asthma all messed up.

Since I have such big piddles I haz to let you knows da pads held most of da urine, but ma humanz were happier cause a little mess iz better den a ginormous one. Sides most kittehs won’t be habbin dat issue wif des pads (nor would most puppies — MOL). I just a big old moose iz all.

So iffen u haz a kitty makin messes fur u may we suggest dat u gib da training pads a try, but mind u sum kittehs (like da foster monsters) finks da pads are toys.

Disclaimer: I did receive a sample of da pads and cleaner form da manufacturer, but the thoughts, stories, opinions and piddle are all mines. Oh and since we needed to usin da products rite away der iz no actual pikshure of me wif dem so we used computer magiks to show me wif da items I gotted.

Nov 022011

As u all know dat Edgar daKitty haz been all over traveling to BlogPaws and wif friends. Wented all over da place wif Toki from Right now he iz in Texas wif ma pals @CheshireK and @NutmegTorby and he iz havin a pawsum time.

Iffen you would likes to hab him visit you just fill out da form below and we will add you to da great map from which all master plans will be made.

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Oct 282011

We gooted dis email askin iffen I would like to try some noms from Fresh Pet. Of course we said yes, cause when haz dis kitteh ever turned down noms? Sides dis stuff betterer for you den utter kitteh foods.

Well I gotted da nice big package rite qwik and we dug rite in. Da food is so fresh it must be refrigerated. While I like to hang out in da fridge, I haz never been a kitteh wot really like ma food cold so this would be a challenge (maybe — turns out when it is da good stuff like Fresh Pet Select I will eat it cold).

Ma humanz had herd of Fresh Pet Select before but thought it wuz only for dogs (cause dat iz all dey ever saw it for). We were pleasantly surprised that they do indeed make cat food too!

We gotted a bag of the Roasted Meals for cats and it wuz like a bag of tiny lil meaty meatballs wif a few veggies in it. (See manufacturers site for complete list of ingredients). Three out of four of us kittehs nommed dem all up!

We also gotted the three different flavors of “canned” cat food. It not in a can it in a plastic cup. Da food had a nice gravy and chunks of meats and veggies.

  • Chicken & Shrimp Recipe in Sauce
  • Turkey & Liver Recipe in Sauce
  • Ocean Whitefish & Salmon Recipe in Sauce

I liked all three flavors but da lil shrimps and chicken wuz ma favorite. Again three out of four kitties luv dis food (strangely three different kitties than before).

We are going to ask our pet stores to carry this food cause it wuz very nommy and da humanz did not have to worry about wot dey were feeding us. However, we do not go by the suggested serving sizes for me (Feed adult cats 1.5 containers per day per 5lbs of body weight), cause, well dat would be 7.5 containers just fur me. MOL.

Disclaimers: while da manufacturer sended me da noms to try all da werds in dis review are mines and mines alone. I liked des noms and anint no one tellin me utter wise. If I did no like dem I would hab said so (heck Tippy turned her nose up at da kibble and one of da foster monsters not liked all da container foods). So there!

Oct 272011

You have herd me talk abouts da 24+ kitties dat were dumped at One By One Cat Rescue in a sealed box. Well dem cutie pies are now up for adoption and some of dem alreddy gots der forever homes. YAY!

However, One By One is still paying for all da vet bills for having takin in so many sickly kitties and I would really appreciates your halp wif any donation you can make no matter da amounts. So far we haz raised $300 for da box kitties and One By One did really appreciates da donashuns dat Edgar did drop off at da Walk for da Animals and at da adoption day a few weeks ago. But can we do more? I finks we can.

It iz da season for giving and iffen u could drop $5 or $10 or more in our donashun buckets it would make da werld of a difference to dem kitties. And iffen you do I will sends you a personal fanks u wif ur very own Boris Kitty trading card inside (just ask da previous donations gibbers dey are receiving ders now). Fanks u!

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Oct 262011

Well Human2 did not want Piper habbin a cool Star Trek toy so herz comed home from werk wif a Lamb Chop dog toy. It habs da same soft furs da teddy bear haz and iz a little smaller makin it eazier for herz to carry around. We did not knows iffen herz would like it or not but it haz been here for 2 days and Piper been playin wif it ever since. First nite herz played wif it a little bit (H2 finks herz likes finkin it being put up out of reach and not fur kitteh paws since herz not really like it when it gibbed rite to her).

Best part wuz Human2 woked up in da middle of da nite and reached over and grabbed a slightly soggy Lamb Chop in da dark. Piper not only played wif it but herz dragged it up da stairs and into da bed wif H2. I finks herz likes it.

Den tonight H2 put it out of kitteh reach on da Caddy Stacks and Piper played and played wif it. Herz even grabbed it and runned under da table to kill it sum more likes herz did wif da Spock teddy bear.  We finkin mehbe it be a good replacement fur da Spock bear.

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