Boris Kitty

Dec 232011

Xmas Prezzies

I did pest Human2 sumfin awful to open up da big prezzie dat herz did break down and doz just dat!

Xmas Prezzies

Da foster monsters jumped right in to seed wot wuz inside dat box.

Xmas Prezzies

While I inspected da instrukshuns on how to put dis fing togetter.

Xmas Prezzies

We had to inspects each n every piece inside n out.

Xmas Prezzies

Um howz a big guy get back out of here?

Xmas Prezzies

Halp I mites be a lil stuck here!

Xmas Prezzies

Well herz iz no halp.

Xmas Prezzies

O No! I realy r stuck.

Xmas Prezzies

Affer I gotted unstuck da foster monsters moved in to check it out.

Xmas Prezzies

So da humanz sed no tree fort until dey paint n fix up da room it goin in….Pffffffffft.

Da monsters n I gotta play in da box until den. Hoping it be builded by Xmouse!

Dec 232011

First Santa dropped off boxes from up north (Canada) from ma Pal Zackary Rabbit. Den he broughted me some boxes from TomorrowLands (ma pals in Australia) and ma Secret Santa gift of slamon noms!!! Now he dropped off dis really big heavy box! We hab no idear who dis one frum. Who did sends us dis big prezzie?  We habbin a pawsum xmas fanks to r furrends! FANKS U ALL. I just wishes I could gib u all a BIG BIG BORIS HUGS fur xmas.

Xmas Prezzies

Zack Rabbit doz a bootiful job of wrappin hiz gifts. H2 won’t let me open dem yet 🙁

Xmas Prezzies

Des big boxes are frum ma pal downunder. Can I open dem? no 🙁

Xmas Prezzies

Dis box iz SO BIG and heavy r furrend Scooter had to bring it in da house fur us.

Xmas Prezzies

I tried to paw it open but dat not werked.

Xmas Prezzies

Den I tried to bitey it open and dat still no werked!

Xmas Prezzies

Human2 will u open it PLEEZ???

Dec 202011

Da boys wif der toysMember a few months ago when I tolded you about all dem kittehs dropped off at da One By One Shelter in a boxes and den we pulled togetter and raised moneys to halp pay for der vet bills n such? Well a lot of dem are now in ofster care or hab been adopted — YAY!!! Our dear friend Nancy did sends us donations and den acided to sponsor da two cow kitties. Cow kitties cause dey were white wif black spots like moo cows.

Maples wif her chickenWell da utter day Nancy did call and wanted to buy dem fellows sum Christmas toys. So H2 gotted da toys and did take dem to da adoption center for da cow kitties (now named Merrimac and Cadence). Herz also tooked Maples a chicken dat went cheep cheep cheep and herz lubbed it so! Maples gotted adopted last weekend. So now it iz da two cow kitties turn!

Here are loads of pikshurs of dem enjoyin der new toys — Fanks u Nancy fur da great toys and H2 for going to play wif da kittehs n der new toys!

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Dec 192011

yumiko wif safestixAll des years of pickin up a stick n throwin it fur a doggy pal and we never knew just how dangerous dat could be. Wooded sticks and twigs have sharp jaggedy edges dat can stab a doggy in da mouth n gums and makes dem bleed. Little bits of sticks can break off and choke a doggy. Or dey could swollow dem and cut up der throats and guts! Heck da stick could even get stuck in da ground a poke out da doggies eye. (now I r skeered of sticks too! ma humanz sumtimes throws lil sticks when I am in da yard wif dem cause I run affer dem, but I dunt fetch or chew on dat sticks likes doggies do.)

When humanz pick up dem sticks to throw fur a fun game of fetch dey dunt allows stop to fink about da safety of da game dey r playin.  but it did not takes me too long to finds some furrends dat actually had bad stick injuries so I fink it iz time to stop and finks afore u throw dat next stick.
yumiko wif safestixA great alternative to off da tree limb sticks are [amazon_link id=”B0058ORITY” target=”_blank” ]SAFESTIX[/amazon_link]. Dey are designed by a guy in England and broughted dem over to da USA for to keep doggies safe and now it appears dat KONG iz going to be licensing da toy design too! So you should be able to find [amazon_link id=”B0058ORITY” target=”_blank” ]SAFESTIX[/amazon_link] just about anywhere now!

Da safestix r maded from a tough, non-toxic rubber and hab rounded ends so da toy won’t stick into soft ground (keeps da ends from gettin all muddied up like a real stick doz).

yumiko wif safestix  yumiko wif safestix

[amazon_link id=”B0058ORITY” target=”_blank” ]lookit all da fun yumiko is habbin wif da safestix[/amazon_link]

Dec 182011

Just like last year we did our bestest to halp both kitties and kiddies. So we did our annual Toys for Tots donation cleanin out da house of some of H2’s collections (we gibbed away all her Beanie Babies we hopes da kids do likes dem) and we buyed some Webkinz for da kids too! I wanted to keep sum of dem soft plushies fur maself but H2 said no dey r for da kids. When H2 dropped da toys off at Toys r Us and da sekurity gurad saw her comin wif three big bags of toys he did fanks her n sed god bless. Dis did make H2 feel really good and knowin all dem kids will hab good xmases makes us all feel goods too.

Toys for Tots

We also did finally gets to gib da donations from last months contest/drive for da box kittehs. We did only raise $180 but H2 rounded it up to an even $200 which Edgar did gib to dem when H2 and Edgar wented to halp wif being Santa Paws at Petsmart. Again I would likes to fanks EVERYBUDDY wot donated for to halp da box kitties!

1x1 Donation

Edgar had lots and lots of fun wif Santa Paws and meetin da doggies, kittehs, guinea pigs and birds wot comed to sit on Santa’s lap. He even gotted to be in some of da pikshurs too. $5 of each Santa Paws photo wented to One by One and H2 had so much fun being da photographer.

Edgar and Santa Paws   Edgar Claus




Dec 162011

Sicky BorisAz u all should knows by now I haz been sicky and not online too much da past week. Last Friday I wuz throwin up and poopin liquid poos. It iz bad enuff to hab me barfin cause I NEVER barfs and I did many times thru da day n night. I cry like sumone iz hurtin me big time too when i throws up. But den to top it off with pure liquid poos — dis wuz not good, NO WAY! At least I wuz makin it to da litter box for da poo part so all da humanz needed to clean up were da barfisodes all over da house.

So come Saturday morning ma humanz rushed me to da v-e-t. Dey did poke me and prod me and I hads a fever of 103.5. So I gotted a shot for da fever and meds to takes in case dem foster monsters did gib me giardia or campy bugs! Da humanz were told da meds were yucky tasting and not to use pill pockets or else I would foam at da mouth like a kitteh wif rabies. (skeery no?) So da v-e-t did gib dem a pill shooter, but it wuz too small and would not hold da big yucky pills. So dey had to hold me down and throw da pill in ma throat da old fashion way. Thanks goodness H1 would do it cause the day H2 tried (4 times afore givin up) I did drool and foam at mouth like da v-e-t said. It did make H2 feel so sorry dat herz even tried when I alreddy felt so bad. (I gonna milk dat one for a LONG time now).

Even tho I wuz gettin pills and ma poopin stopped i wuz still not nommin much nor drinkin but ma piddles seemed like lots more so ma humanz gotted worrieder and tooked me back to dat darn V-E-T yesterday. Pffffft!

At Vets OfficeDats when I gotted even more pokes n prods dun to me! Temperature wuz normal. Herz did not feel big hard poops in me so no worries der (but I hate hate hate dat finger poke!). Den dey tooked me in da back to steal sum of ma bloods! Well let me tells u, I wuz not gonna makes it easy on dem no way no how! I did wot dat vet called an alligator death roll every time dey tried to stick me wif dat fing. Ma humanz could hear ma YEOWS from da back room! Den da vet returned wif me wrapped in a blankey, dat is how dey finally got me to gib up ma bloods.

Dey gonna checks ma kidneys, livers and make sure I not gettin diabetes or nuffin like dat. We still waitin on the results of da stolen bloods. Now I haz to make a poopy so da humanz can take in a stool sample for to make sure der no bugs or worms in der still. Danr foster monsters gibbin me fings n makin me sick!!! Oh and dey won’t leave me alone and dey knows I dunt feels good!!

So please pity me! And fanks u all for keepin me in your thoughts, purrs & pwayers through da pawcircle!

Dec 072011

Red Barn for Cats[amazon_link id=”B005HPF6EI” target=”_blank” ]Red Barn Cat Play House[/amazon_link] — da Red Barn iz a pawsum playhouse fur kittehs to hide in and play thwokkin games thru da windows. It iz also a great price iffen u haz kittehs wot chews up and spits out cardboard likes ma foster monsters. Dat Phoebe haz half da door chewed off mines. I haz dis on ma Xmouse list so I can replace da damaged one and den ban herz from playin wif it!


LOLCats Magnetic PoetryLOL Cat Poetreez and Cat Lovers Magnetic Poetry Kits – Iffen u knows any onlines cats u haz to hab dis fun set. Da LOL Cat Poetreez will halp u learn to speak Boris and da Cat Lovers kit will halp expand ur kitteh poetreez! Dis a great gifty from anyone wot loves LOL Cats or wants to make sum practice ones for I Can Haz Cheeseburger site.


Cat Sitter DVD[amazon_link id=”B000F6UOXC” target=”_blank” ]Cat Sitter DVD[/amazon_link] – If ur wonderin yes kittehs do watch TV and dis video iz so much better den Animal Planet (dat station iz just too violent).  Volume 1 is da bestest one of the three. I just lub watchin my very own videos. I hear dem birds chirpin on da TV and I come runnin no matter where I am in da house. (Check out my review right here on ma bloggy).


Crinkle BallsCrinkle Balls – I haz neber been a huge fan of balls, but apparently utter kitteh, like ma foster monsters, lub lub lub dem. Da crinkle balls seem to be a favorite too. Guess dat iz cause dey can grab dem and run wif dem. Crinkle balls are crinkly and floofy all in one ball! Buy a tub of dem cause dey seem to find der way under da sofa, radiators, fridges and pianos around here.


Dart Frolicat[amazon_link id=”B003Q6AG9K” target=”_blank” ]FroliCat Dart Laser Toy[/amazon_link] – dis item is advertised by da manufacturer az a doggy toy, but really come on, kittehs LUB chasin dat red dot! Dis stands in da middle of da floor and da light randomly runs in circles on da floor. It makes us kittehs go crazy! Best fing iz you can set speed and time so da toy shuts off by itself (dat alone is a beary pawsum fing). Set it fur 5 or 10 minutes wear out da furkids and it shuts off!


Poop Scoop Hand SanitizerThanks for Scooping My Poop Hand Sanitizer – dis product made me ROTFLMFAO. I finked it wuz so funny. It iz regular hand sanitizer in a fun cat lover friendly packaging. Makes a great gift for anyone on your list wot haz a kitteh or lubs a kitteh! Even makes a great hostess gifty too!



All dem cool products r available at,,  and other great retailers.


Warning: Dis post might just contain sum affiliate links but doz not contain peanuts, wheat, soy or egg. Iffen u r allergic to affiliate links we suggest u avoid dem.

Dec 052011

safestix[amazon_link id=”B0058ORITY” target=”_blank” ]SafeStix[/amazon_link] — this comes from England and really is a great idear for all dogs who lub to play fetch. Sticks frum trees are dangerous and can hurt ur doggy mouths. Get a safestix insted. (ma review will be comin to a bloggy near u real soon).


Gulpy[amazon_link id=”B000TG7YRM” target=”_blank” ]Gulpy[/amazon_link] — dis iz a hangy little drinky device for dogs on da go. It iz earth friendly cause it haz a refillable water bottle insted of usin throw away bottles like utter on da go drink systems. U gib it a little squeeze and put az much water az ur dog needs into the bowl dat folds up neat onto da bottle when not in use.


SnoutStik[amazon_link id=”B005ZGG1PC” target=”_blank” ]Snoutstik[/amazon_link] — doggies use der noses fur everyfing and dey can get dry and owie. Da Snoutstik iz like a humanz chapstick but fur doggy noses! Soothe and heal dem dry noses wif Snoutstik.  Available in 3 healin varieties; pumpkin, lavender and rosemary.


Dog Slobber Hand Sanitizer[amazon_link id=”B004LJ47B4″ target=”_blank” ]Dog Slobber Hand Sanitizer[/amazon_link] — Dis iz fur da humanz. Cause u know der all like “oooo gross dog slobber” when dey are playing wif u. Makes a great gifty for any dog lover. It iz regular hand sanitizer but wif way cool fun packaging.


MeteorLight Ball[amazon_link id=”B001QC9DTU” target=”_blank” ]K9 Meteor Light Ball[/amazon_link] — It iz startin to get dark earlier and ur human iz ready to go inside cause dey can’t seed da ball ur playin fetch wif. Tell dem to gets u dis cool light up ball. It available in 4 colors; red, green, blue or disco (multiple fade-in-fade-out colors). My favorite iz da green.


All dem cool products r available at, and other great retailers.


Warning: Dis post might just contain sum affiliate links but doz not contain peanuts, wheat, soy or egg. Iffen u r allergic to affiliate links we suggest u avoid dem.

Dec 012011

I am sure u alreddy knows wot Angry Birds iz. If not it iz a fun game fur ur phone, ipad or even computer (go download Google Chrome browser and play sum Angry Birds now). It iz a very popular game and u can finds Angry Bird merchandise all over da place. Well Hartz wuz smart enuff to jump on dat bandwagon and dey r makin officially licensed Angry Birds cat toys and dog toys wot r purrty pawsum. We gotted da few toys to try out and guess wot? We gotted some to gib away to ma bloggy readers to. So sum lucky reader gonna wins dem sum way cool toys.

We gotted da Angry Birds Birds Gone Crazy cat toys, which iz a six pack of plastic balls wif rattles in dem in da shape of da different Angry Birds and of course da piggies. I am not a huge fan of balls (not hates dem like Katherine Heigl tho).  But da foster monsters LUB balls and especially ones wif rattles in dem like des. However, dey did only bat dem around a little bit. Seems dey not likes balls unless dey can carry dem around. But dat ok cause we also gotted da Angry Birds Catnip Heads. They are almost as da same fing as balls but betterer cause dey iz Angry Birds MOL. Da catnip heads are refillable…dat means der a pouch wot lets u put fresh catnip in dem and make dem new toys whenever you wants.  Der iz also da Running Bird toys wot vibrate and wiggle der butts when u pull der tails and of course da WAND! we all lubbed da wand toy. Human2 usually removes bells from our toys but since we weren’t going to be playing wif dis one by ourselves herz leaved it on da toy. Boy were we happy herz did too! Da wands come wif two heads so you can swap dem out and hab even more fun wif dis cool toy.

Angry Birds

See dem Angry Birds? I gonna gets dem Angry Birds!

Angry Birds Cat Toys

I not angry bout dem birds…I lub dem (no I not sleepin). Dis right before I nommed dem.

Angry Birds Cat Toys

Lookit me go! I did gets all four paws off da ground getting da wand!

Angry Birds Cat Toys

I knows u can’t seed da toy in dis shot but I wuz gibbin da wiggle butt & pounce to da Angry Bird wand.

Angry Birds Cat Toys

Phoebe did chase da piggy head to!

Angry Birds Cat Toys

Piper did nom dem birdies good!

Continue reading »

Nov 302011

Okay, I knows not everybuddy watches der kitties 24/7 while dey playing wif der toys and even leaves da kitties home alones wif toys all day. Well sum cat toys can be just plain dangerous iffen u doz dat. Fur instance the following two items look harmless enuff but der r dangers fur kitties and I wants u all to be aware of dem.

The products in question are both from the Ourpets brand Go Cat Go! and they are the Darn Yarn Balls and the Sparkle balls, both shown below.

Sparkle Balls
Sparkle Balls have tinsel around dem.

Darn Yarn Balls
Lose yarn and Strings on Darn Yarn Balls.

This time of year everybuddy warns pet owners about the dangers of putting tinsel on ur xmas tree, but wot about having tinsel in your cat toys???

As you can see by da top pikshur the green ball looks ok, but u can seed loops of tinsel comin off the purple ball. Wot kitty would not sit down and nom dem loops til dey got a piece of tinsel out? I knows I would and my foster monsters would too!

Sparkle Ball with loose tinsel

See the loosened tinsel. Could damage a kitties insides!

Da Darn Yarn Balls simply have yarn glued to a thin plastic ball with a metal bell inside. Yes, fun to play wif but also fun to pull yarn off and eat it or even get around neck and strangle kitty!!!

Darn Yarn Ball with Dangerous strings

Darn Yarn Ball with Dangerous strings

Darn Yarn Ball with Dangerous strings and bell

Easily removed from the thin ball once strings were pulled from ball!

Please be careful out der when selecting your cat toys. Never leave your kitty unattended until you know how der gonna play with a toy. Fur sum, non-destructive kittehs, these balls would be fine. But I dunt finks it worth the risk of hurting ur cat or habbin surgery to remove strings, tinsel or bells from their intestines, do u?