Okay, I knows not everybuddy watches der kitties 24/7 while dey playing wif der toys and even leaves da kitties home alones wif toys all day. Well sum cat toys can be just plain dangerous iffen u doz dat. Fur instance the following two items look harmless enuff but der r dangers fur kitties and I wants u all to be aware of dem.
The products in question are both from the Ourpets brand Go Cat Go! and they are the Darn Yarn Balls and the Sparkle balls, both shown below.

Sparkle Balls have tinsel around dem.

Lose yarn and Strings on Darn Yarn Balls.
This time of year everybuddy warns pet owners about the dangers of putting tinsel on ur xmas tree, but wot about having tinsel in your cat toys???
As you can see by da top pikshur the green ball looks ok, but u can seed loops of tinsel comin off the purple ball. Wot kitty would not sit down and nom dem loops til dey got a piece of tinsel out? I knows I would and my foster monsters would too!

See the loosened tinsel. Could damage a kitties insides!
Da Darn Yarn Balls simply have yarn glued to a thin plastic ball with a metal bell inside. Yes, fun to play wif but also fun to pull yarn off and eat it or even get around neck and strangle kitty!!!

Darn Yarn Ball with Dangerous strings

Easily removed from the thin ball once strings were pulled from ball!
Please be careful out der when selecting your cat toys. Never leave your kitty unattended until you know how der gonna play with a toy. Fur sum, non-destructive kittehs, these balls would be fine. But I dunt finks it worth the risk of hurting ur cat or habbin surgery to remove strings, tinsel or bells from their intestines, do u?