Boris Kitty

Feb 122012

2012 will mark da 3rd Annual SCIFIpawty (can u believe it?)

Dis years event iz in honor of da foster monsters Tippy & Drizzle, who lost their battles with FIP. These precious kitties came to live wif us from One By One and brought so much joy into our lives for the short time they were with us. We miss you!

What is SCIFIpawty? Quite simply, SCIFIpawty is the first and only virtual science fiction convention & party hosted by animals for animals on There are DJs spinning our favorite tunes, bartenders offering up out of this world food & drinks (virtually of course), security (red shirts) to keep the spammers and scammers away, a costume contest, and quizmasters tasking us with fast paced, fun trivia with a chance to win door prizes. All this is achieved through the help of many wonderful volunteers and sponsors.
This event is used to raise awareness of animals in shelters, the need for adoption/rescue as well as raising much needed funds. Last year our event was able to raise over $1700 for the One By One Cat Rescue.
The 2012 3rd Annual SCIFpawty proceeds will once again benefit One By One Cat Rescue in Kutztown, PA a no-kill, non-profit organization.


scifipawty 2012

What is SCIFIpawty? Quite simply, SCIFIpawty is the first and only virtual science fiction convention & party hosted by animals for animals on There are DJs spinning our favorite tunes, bartenders offering up out of this world food & drinks (virtually of course), security (red shirts) to keep the spammers and scammers away, a costume contest, and quizmasters tasking us with fast paced, fun trivia with a chance to win door prizes. All this is achieved through the help of many wonderful volunteers and sponsors.

This event is used to raise awareness of animals in shelters, the need for adoption/rescue as well as raising much needed funds. Last year our event was able to raise over $1700 for the One By One Cat Rescue (This year let’s shoot for $2000).

The 2012 3rd Annual SCIFpawty proceeds will once again benefit One By One Cat Rescue in Kutztown, PA a no-kill, non-profit organization.

Last year’s prize sponsors included: Jane Wiedlin (the Go-Gos, Star Trek),, Nylabone, Bissell,,,, and many other great companies, sites & individuals.  This years prizes are gearing up to be just as great!!!

We would love to have you join us for our event. The 2012 3rd Annual SCIFIpawty will take place on March 24th from 11am EST to 11pm EST. Just sign into Twitter during the event, search for SCIFIpawty to see what is happening and join the fun. All we ask is that you use the hashtag #SCIFIpawty in your posts so you’ll show up in the pawty streams.

Once again we will hab a costume contest, trivia questions (with prizes) and other door prizes.

If you can help in any other capacity (prize sponsor, Q&A during event, anything) please contact our event host @BorisKitty on Twitter, facebook or directly via email.

This year’s event will also be happening on facebook (but in a much smaller capacity) — for the whole party experience please join us on Twitter.

Please RSVP at twtVite:

Da firstgiving page fur da donations iz up at: we gotted our first donations alreddy!)

Feb 082012

330 days. Dats all da time we gotted to hab wif Tippy. We did get her and her daughter, Drizzle way back in March of last year. Drizzle gotted sick and crossed da rainbow bridge a few short months affer we gotted her. Wot made Tippy beary sad and depressed. Herz gotted FIP and gotted real sick real fast. Turns out almost a year later her mother, Tippy, wound up wif da beary same disease. It iz a horrible disease and now we haz to worry about da new foster monsters getting it too. We not sure how we going to be able to go on not knowing iffen one day one of us kittehs could get sick too, but now iz fur celebratin da life of Tippy no matter how short it wuz. We gonna miss dat foster monster.

Tippy n Drizzle

Tippy lubbed pinnin down Drizzle n gibbin her licky baths. After Drizzle passed Tippy would do dis wif da mini monsters too.

Tippy Worlds Best Foster Monster

Herz lubbed boxes. But not az much az herz lubbed herz rattle balls. Herz would play fetch for hours. And meow while carryin da balls round da house until u played wif herz.

Tippy Tip Top

Herz lubbed being on top of da catty stacks and sleepin on da pink pillows.

Tippy Paintin

But wot I finked herz lubbed da bestest wuz paintin on da iPad.

Tippy Paintin

Every time Human2 would go up stairs Tippy would run up ahead of herz and sit on da bed waitin fur da iPad to be turned on.

Tippys Paintin

Here iz one of her many many paintins herz did makes. Herz wuz beary good at doing wot herz lubbed so much.

Tippy Teaches Monsters

Tippy even teached da mini monsters how to paint, but nobuddy paints like Tippy did.

Tippy Paintin Some More

Tippy enjoyed grooming with the best of dem kittehs, but paintin trumped even baths.

Tippy Tappy Pile

We often had Tabby piles cause Tippy liked to be snuggled (more by kittehs den by da humanz).

Tippy n Phoebe in Window

Tippy enjoyin a sunpuddle wif Phoebe.

Feb 012012

Halloooo February. You iz Dental Health Month did you knows dat? It iz important fur everyone to knows dat we pets need to have proper dental hygiene to stay healthy just like peoples do.

Der are plenty of chew toys dat help kitties and doggies clean teeth and remove plaque as well as treats and daily brushing to keep us really tip top. I won’t let my humanz near me wif a toothbrush so dey need to be creative. I do like my noms so I get crunchy treats like [amazon_link id=”B000BXZ6FK” target=”_blank” ]Feline Greenies[/amazon_link] to halp keep ma teeths clean.

Do you let ur humanz brush ur teeths? Do u hab halpful advice fur ma humanz? Let me knows belows!

So in honor of Dental Health Month I sent human2 and Edgar off to hab der teeths cleaned at our dentist wot iz a beary friendly dentist wot let my ToyVoyager friends come along awhile back too.

Edgar teef clean

Edgar gotted his teeh cleaned.

Edgar teef demo

Then he wuz showed da proper way to brushin da teeths.

Dis wuz his 1st check up so he needed xrays.

Edgar panorama xray

Dey also did a full hed xray and nuffin in der but fluff. MOL

Warning: Dis post might just contain sum affiliate links but doz not contain peanuts, wheat, soy or egg. Iffen u r allergic to affiliate links we suggest u avoid dem.

Jan 262012

Me n TippyJust like her daughter, Drizzle, Tippy was diagnosed wif FIP – Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Dis iz a horrible disease. It iz a fatal incurable disease that affects cats.

Der are two forms of da disease wet and dry. Herz haz da wet, wot iz easier to diagnose den da dry. Wet FIP causes a bloated, fluid filled tummy. Tippy’s spine can be easily felt when pettin down herz back. H2 knew wot it wuz but did not really want to knows fur sure. But herz tooked Tippy into da V-E-T’s office anywho and dats when we got da confirmation dat herz doz indeed haz FIP.

We don’t know how much longer herz haz, but herz iz doing ok and still eatin n usin da box n active for now. We gonna keep her happy n comfortable for however long herz will be stayin wif us.

Tippy n Drizzle

Dey will be togetter agin OTRB

Jan 262012

Treasure Buddies Bluray ComboTrainer April Mackin from Birds and Animals Unlimited teaches, you how to train your buddy to lay down.

Catch all of the Buddies in action in [amazon_link id=”B006070RT6″ target=”_blank” ]Disney’s Treasure Buddies[/amazon_link].

Coming to Blu-ray/dvd on January 31, 2012.

Enter ma contesty to wins a copy of ur beary own!

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Jan 252012

dogs sing star wars themeMa Human2 n I do just lub dis video. I knows most everybuddy haz seed it by now, but It iz pawsumly dun and it iz fun seein which doggy iz wot Star Wars character. But to hear dem dogs singin Darth Vaders theme song — WOW!

Come to da Bark Side we haz cookies (and squeaky toys).

This is almost enuff to makes us watch the super bowl and iffen advertisin werked on me i would get da humanz to buy a vw next time dey needs a car (but dey are so darn expensive to get werked on).

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Jan 232012

Dem Disney Buddies are at it agin! Dis time dey r diggin up treasure in Egypt in [amazon_link id=”B006070RT6″ target=”_blank” ]Disney’s Treasure Buddies[/amazon_link] coming to Blu-Ray n DVD next week.

The Buddies are out to find da Cat’s Eye jewel wot iz part of da lost treasure of Cleocatra.

But dey better watch out for da bad kitteh, Ubasti (why r kittehs all portrayed az da bad guys in movies?) Go to da Disney Buddies  website for more informations.

Check out da whole press release here den enter urself in da contest below — open to US Residents only (sawry werld it iz a region 1 DVD affer all). Contest ends February 5, 2012 so hurry up and enters!

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Jan 112012

Show of paws…Who maded a New Year’s Resolution?

Now show of paws….who has broked it alreddy?

Takes a look at da Halo, Purely for Pets  survey of over 1,000 pet parents and wot der resolutions were. Affer checkin dem out leave me a comment telling me wot u resolved to do in 2012 and iffen u keepin it so far.

88.7% of pet parents plan to help their pets get more exercise. Here’s how:
62.4% – more walks
68.3% – play with them more
30.3% – find a new game to play
2.9% – take a Doga class
1.9% – get into extreme sports
20.2% – go to the dog park more often
15.8% – run my cat up and down stairs

Weight loss….
45.9% plan to help their pets lose weight in 2012. Here’s how:
44.8% – feed better quality food
35.1% – feed less food
34% – give fewer treats
33% – give more nutritious treats
68.7% – get more exercise
10.9% – plan a program with their vet

New tricks
48.1% plan to teach their pets new tricks this coming year

Healthy Eating…..
69.4% plan to feed their pets higher quality food

86.8% plan to groom their pets more regularly. Here’s how:
68.1% will trim nails more regularly
52.7% plan to bathe their pets more regularly
80.3% are going to brush their pets more regularly
35.5% will start giving their pets supplements for their coat and skin
50.1% plan to brush their pet’s teeth more often
33.2% are going to start using natural grooming products

94.1% plan to help pets in need. Here’s how:
11.5% – adopt a new pet
11.5% – foster a pet
69.8% – donate to a rescue or shelter
45.5% – play or
65.6% – continue what i’ve been doing!

Other Resolutions….
-Take them to the beach
-Hand making toys and cushions for them
-More rides in the car
-Buy a new scratching post
-Visit hospitals and retirement homes to make people happy
-Make sure he drinks more water
-Build new cat tress
-Train dog to ride to the dog park in his Harley side car
-Bring them with me more places
-Open her own savings account for vet emergencies

And da biggest response?
Pet parents would like to spend more time with their pets and love them even more than they did in 2011!

Dat’s da one for me!


These results are from Halo, Purely for Pets, which surveyed more than 1,000 pet parents to find out their New Year’s Resolutions.

Dec 242011

We had Christmas early so dat da humanz could fix up da room and gets our new big cat tree up fur us in time fur Xmas!!! YAY!!! We had to paint da room afore puttin up da Cat Tree but da humanz had dat dun in one day. Promised da Tree today and we did gets it! YAY!

Piper had to halp paint

Piper had to halp paint da room. Silly little girl.

All Da pieces

All da pieces were der n H2 reddy to build. I snoopervized from ma comfy spot. MOL


Phoebe and Piper did final inspekshuns of finished cat tree.

Trial Tun

After inspekshuns dey did gib it a trial run. Phoebe tried to run away wif da one mousey MOL.

Silly Piper checkin out da shelf MOL

Ma inspekshuns

Can’t trust da monsters so I did hab to gib it ma inspekshuns.

Lower Level Good

Lower level passes!

Good bird watchin spot

Good bird watchin spot!

Surrounded by Monsters

Surrounded by Monsters