Boris Kitty

Mar 242012

star trek door chimes


dis doorprize iz open to all SCIFIpawty attendees all day long. Just stop by dis post and leave ur twitter name in da comments to be entered. winner will be picked randomly from all validated pawty attendees on Sunday.

Fanks and good lucks!

Pwize Sponored by

DA WINNER IZ: @Smokey8

Mar 242012

Soft Kitty


dis doorprize iz open to all SCIFIpawty attendees all day long. Just stop by dis post and leave ur twitter name in da comments to be entered. winner will be picked randomly from all validated pawty attendees on Sunday.

Fanks and good lucks!

Pwize Sponored by 1Up Collectibles (dat where human2 buys all her comic books).

DA WINNER IZ…..@NutmegTorby

Mar 242012

How to enter the drawing for a doorprize*

What you need to do

  • Make sure you and prizemaster are following each other so you can DM her or him.
  • Watch for the prizemaster to announce the prize and the time to enter.
  • DM the prizemaster with any message. “I’d like to win,” “doorprize,” “hey you,” “Yahoo,” whatever.
  • You must DM the prizemaster before the cut off time is announced.
  • You must be present to claim your prize when your name is announced, otherwise another winner will be chosen.


What the prizemaster does

  • Announces prize.
  • Announces time when to start sending DMs to enter contest.
  • Announces the count-down to deadline for entries at 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, etc. This can vary at prizemaster’s discretion.
  • Announces when drawing is closed.
  • Counts the number of entries. Anipals from the same household are counted only once, the first time they respond.
  • Uses to choose the winner at random.
  • Announces winner.
  • Confirms that winner is around when name announced, if not, uses to pick another winner and announces him or her. The amount of time for winner to come forward is at prizemaster’s discretion.

fanks @mizzbassie fur sharing da rules wif us *HUGS*

Mar 242012

WOW U guys rockin SCIFIpawty agin dis year. Here sum of da pawsum costumes so far (will post more thru out SCIFIpawty n winner will be announced affer da pawty ovah)

Check out da pawsum pwizes:  SCIFIpawty Costume Contest Pwizes

U can still enter: SCIFIpawty Costume Contest Call fur Entries


DA WINNERZ R: @PepperPom, @sanjeethecat @ZackRabbit

 special award goes to @thetweak fur hiz UFO

Continue reading »

Mar 232012

SCIFIPAWTYTomorrowWho Let The Dogs Out iz SCIFIpawty aleddy! OMC I am no where near reddy fur it. It runs frum 11am-11pm EDT. It iz so much funs but I hab sumfin to makes it even more funs!

A SEKRET ALIEN INVASHUNS of may pal Tillman (@TillmanSkates) watch pawty in da morning! Himz haz a cool TV show on Animal Planet and each Caturday he habbin a watchin pawty where u tweet during hiz show and SCIFIpawty ovah laps it a lil bit dis year (good fing we made it later in day huh? utter wise it be whole time hiz pawty runnin too!)

So here da deal we gonna sneak ovah and join hiz pawty every once in awhile too ok?

Here iz his invite:

U can win a cool pwize just fur RSVPing but wait it gets betterer.

Iffen u join da view pawty from SCIFIpawty u will be entered into a drawing to win dis way cool @TillmanSkates Signature Skateboard of ur very own!!!

So dis contesty iz two fold. 1) to halp da kittehs at One By One Cat rescue and 2) to halp ma pal Tillman hab a pawsum watch pawty. So get ur watch on ovah at Animal Planet and get ur tweet on. I wanna seed u tweetin wif da followin hashtags #SCIFIpawty #TillmanTV to get an entry.

tillman skateboardTo enter just come back here affer u tweet and post da tweet status URL into da comments section below. Couldn’t be easier could it? Nope!

Contest open to anyone anywhere wot haz a twitter account and tweets sumfin like dis…

@TillmanSkates just saw ur show and it rocks! #SCIFIpawty #TillmanTV

(use ur own werding and mehbe sumfin frum da episode would be nice too!)

or @TillmanSKates take me to ur leader #TillmanTv #SCIFIpawty

(agin wing it just dunt fling Tribbles at ma man Tillman or I am keepin da skateboard MOL)

Contest Sponsored by WHO LET THE DOGS OUT Saturdays on Animal Planet.

Dunt knows about Tillman’s TV Show? Well he tells me, “it’s sort of an American Idol for pets. We’re searching America for the most talented pet to join my crew for a year”. It iz a purrty pawsum show seein all dem cool fings anipals can do if gibbin an opportunity to.

O and be sure to join Tillman  Twitter Viewing Pawty for the next five Saturdays 6am – 11a m PDT #TillmanTV.



Mar 232012

2012 SCIFIpawty Door Prizes (rough schedule)

11-12pm EDT

12-1pm EDT

1-2pm EDT

2-3pm EDT

3-4pm EDT

4-5pm EDT

5-6pm EDT

6-7pm EDT

7-8pm EDT

8-9pm EDT

9-10pm EDT

10-11pm EDT


Continue reading »

Mar 232012

Here iz da Door Prize schedule for dis years SCIFIpawty.

Be sure u are following da prize masters u dunt wanna miss any of da pawsum pwizes!

I wanna gib dem all a big FANKS U fur halpin out wif our cause.

All des pwize r donated to halp out One By One Cat Rescue Please Donte :


USA EDT Eastern Daylight Time SEKURITY
11am Sat @MaggieTKat
Noon Sat @MaggieTKat
1:00pm Sat @MaggieTKat
2:00 pm Sat @BorisKitty
3:00 pm Sat @mizzbassie
4:00 pm Sat @mizzbassie
5:00 pm Sat @BorisKitty
6:00 pm Sat @BorisKitty
7:00 pm Sat @BorisKitty
8:00 pm Sat @shaynacat
9:00 pm Sat @tinypearlcat
10:00 pm Sat @BorisKitty
11:00 pm Sat Pawty End



Need utter time zones?




Mar 232012

Planning on comin to #SCIFIpawty tomorrow but haven’t RSVP’d yet?

Well get the move on cuase u will be entered to win dis cool pwize iffen u do!

Cat Poop Hand sanitizer  Dog Slobber Hand sanitizer  Catt Butts Bagg

Dog Slobber Hand Sanitizer, Thanks for Scooping My Poop Hand Sanitizer and Guide To Cat Butts bag fur holdin pencils or wotever even dem hand sanitizers!)

Sponor: and

Dats rite u could be da lucky winner of dis pwize pack. Winner will be chosen at random (we usin affer da pawty ends.

Ok so wot u waitin fur?

RSVP at twtVite

Mar 232012

Have u entered the SCIFIpawty costume contest yet? If not head over to this post and submit ur entries now!

SCIFIpawty Best Dog Costume Pwize SCIFIpawty Best Cat Costume Pwize SCIFIpawty Best Plushy or Other Anipal Costume

Prize sponsors are OurPets, Cosmic Catnip and urs truly (BorisKitty.ccom)

The above pikshurs shows wot u mite wins iffen ur costume is da bestest in one of these categories.

  • Best Dog Costume
  • Best Cat Costume
  • Best Plushy or Other Anipal Costume

So go answer the call for entries and win somefin PAWSUM at SCIFIpawty

SCIFIpawty Costume Contest Call fur Entries


Mar 232012

Here iz da SEKURITY schedule for dis years SCIFIpawty. I wanna gib dem all a big FANKS U fur halpin out wif our cause. Dun’t furgets to bribe da officers or post bails here:



USA EDT Eastern Daylight Time SEKURITY
11am Sat @odymaltese
Noon Sat @JBHippo
1:00pm Sat @busybuttons
2:00 pm Sat @banditthepap
3:00 pm Sat @banditthepap
4:00 pm Sat @banditthepap
5:00 pm Sat @morriscat
6:00 pm Sat @abbeyrescuedox
7:00 pm Sat @CheshireK
8:00 pm Sat Captain on Duty
9:00 pm Sat @snoopdoggdoxie
10:00 pm Sat @bloodhoundndots
11:00 pm Sat Pawty End



Need utter time zones?