Boris Kitty

Sep 182012

Dats rite u heard me rite. I am up fur adoption! Okai so it izn’t really me it ma flat me and I can go wif u every where!

In fact a flat me will be goin wif Edgar and H2 to da Walk for the Animals on Caturday!

Adopt dis Boris Kitty

Now u can haz ur beary own life-sized (mostly) Boris Kitty to hab at ur house or ur office. How cool is dat?!?

Ma pals ovah at are now making flat pets called Pancake Pets. Dey r high quality flat versions of ur own custom pets or u could adopt me!

Des r da bestest flat pets we hab seen and we seen a bunch in da past coupla years goin to BlogPaws and BarkWorld and pet expos. Iffen u want a flat pet that will last u a long time check out Pancake Pets today!

Sep 172012

Take a lil Toki wif u wherever u go. Check out da way cool new Pawparazzi set featurin ma pal Toki (of…dem cool folks dat make dem cool trading cards). Human2 gotted to meet da real Toki at BlogPaws but I did not gets to meets her in real lifes.

pawparazzi toki

I can no waits to gets ma paws on dis cute lil Toki! Herz comes wif all kinds of cool accessories too.  Here da set descripshuns: Toki, Pro Racecar Driver, is racing for the Pawzoil Cup trophy at the Tail-a-daga Super Speedway. Set Includes: Pet (Toki), Purse, Blanket, Trading Card, Collector’s Booklet, Hat, Collar, Race Magazine, Winner’s Trophy, 8.5″ x 11″ Poster, and Race Track Playstage.

pawparazzi toki

You can buy the new Toki Pawparazzi set right from or you can get her at where a portion of the sale will be donated to to contribute to canine cancer research plus u will gets a few extra goodies like a special 5-pack of Toki Poki® pet trading cards, which includes Toki’s card, plus a Toki Poki® charm band!

I lub des lil toys. I seed dem at Toys R Us last year n almost made H2 get me one den. Glad I waited since I know da doggy I will be getting!

Des r toys fur lil humans not pets. I fink any lil human would lub to haz der own Toki, don’t u?

I am currently runnin a campaign to haz dem folks at Pawparazzi makes a Boris Kitty set next. A geek kitteh wif a pooter n iPawd n necktie n pocket protector….mehbe wif a sekret identity of a supah kitteh wif a lil cape to go out n halp rescue animals wif small leaps n big naps. Wot u finks?

Sep 172012

Greenies Smartbites Cat Treats I gotted noms in da mail. I am always willin to try new treats, especially when dey come from a trusted company like Greenies.

Greenies tells us…

[amazon_link id=”B008FXKOI2″ target=”_blank” ]FELINE GREENIES SMARTBITES [/amazon_link] Treats offer breakthrough functionality in an irresistible treat. These “smart treats” are not indulgent empty calories. SMARTBITES® Treats contain natural ingredients that provide real health benefits. [amazon_link id=”B008FXKOI2″ target=”_blank” ]Hairball Control[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B008FXKOKA” target=”_blank” ]Digestive Care[/amazon_link] and [amazon_link id=”B008FXKOKK” target=”_blank” ]Healthy Skin & Fur[/amazon_link] delivered in a delicious dual-textured treat cats love. Finally, treating has a higher purpose.


And I tells u…

3 out of 3 kittehs lub des new noms! Dey taste great and we likes da soft insides. Der so good we dunt knows we eatin sumfin wot do us sum good.

Greenies Smartbites Cat Treats

Get more info on des new noms at:

Greenies Smartbites Cat Treats

Sep 102012

Box Tops logo with websiteBox Tops fur EducationDats right dis kitty iz tryin to halp out da kids in our local school. Human1 works for the Reading School District and believes you me dey could use da support dat ur box tops could gib dem.

Reading, PA iz officialy known az the poorest city in the country. Dats purrty sad izn’t it?

Dis year school started out wif 170 less teachers for dis school year den it did last year. All because dey had to make BIG budget cuts. One of da teachers dat had been furloughed wuz da one dat did collects n turn in da box tops dat da kids brought it. So I asked H1 if herz would do it iffen I made H2 halp out too. Herz sed yes. Every box top equals ten cents. I knows it not sound like a lot but when it all gathered together it can add up. So wot I am askin ma pals to do iz start saving your box tops (and campbell’s labels — different program but heck if u are savin one fur me why not savin da utter too). We have two big deadlines to turn dem in November 1,2012 and March 1 ,2013 so az long az we gets dem afore den we good. Email me at bigbadboyboris at gmail dot com on how and where to sends dem to me.

I knows many of you are alreddy savin dem fur ur kids schools, but many of you are just simply throwing dem away every day. Just a few clips and the cost of a stamp or two and you could be helpin city kids get the funds dey need fur much needed supplies. Here iz da complete list of products dat have Box Tops fur Education certificates on dem. You won’t believe how many fings der r dat u buy and use every day!

Box Tops for Education

Beside da actual box top you can sign up online at to earn eBox Tops which r just az good az da actual box tops! When u create ur account please pick ma school. Northeast Middle School in da 19604 zipcode. After you pick human1’s school you can go on to earn da eBox Tops (I signed up and got dem $.70 worth of box tops just by clickin on fings). U can also buy thru der market place and da schools get eBox Tops fur every $10 spent etc. And of course der r tons of chances to win box tops fur da school too. (u can even play games n da first time u play u will get a box top!)

So sign up now at: 


Zipcode: 19604


Our first week of collectin and we alreddy haz $85!

Even iffen all u can do is da online stuffs we really appreciates da halp!

Aug 312012

Remember when I did gets a tent made by ma pal Snuffy Norton?

I likes to using dat tent as a hideout to gets away frum dem monsters.

Hidin in ma tent

It doz not always werk out da way I plans tho.

Hidin in ma tent

Piper iz botherin me wif all dis string gettin! I gonna gib her a good thwok!

Hidin in ma tent

Watch it u lil monster u!

Hidin in ma tent

Aug 282012

Just wanted to share da linkies to my albums of pikshurs from past Walk for the Animals  events.

Walk for the Animals

H2 haz loads of fun at these and we appreciate anyfin you can donates toward reach (or exceedin) our goal dis year.

(silly us do no hab pikshurs of da first one we wented to sawry)

32nd Annual Walk for the Animals

33rd Annual Walk for the Animals

34th Annual Walk for the Animals



Aug 272012

Playin wif LEGO toys might looks like fun. But believe u me it iz hard werks. All da thwokkin and nommin of lil plastic bits can wear a kitteh out.

lego buildins hard werk

 Seems like Edgar iz da only one dat keeps on smilin even affer hours of playin. But dat understandable cause it iz monsters affer all and who doz no like monsters? We can’t wait until next week when we go and get da big Haunted House!

lego buildins hard werk

 Phoebe iz finkin herz needs to knock dat minifigure into next week. MOL

lego buildins hard werk

See I told it it wuz hard werk!