Boris Kitty

Oct 052012

All this talk of Frankenweenie gots me in da Halloween mood! So I decided I wanna haz sum funs. I wanna see ur bestest Halloween pikshurs, costumes and skeery stuffs. Simpy upload ur pikshur to ur favorite photo sharin service (twitpic, flikr, photobucket, etc etc etc) den come back here and post da linky in da comments.

Franken Boris Stein

Ok I did sez dis wuz a contesty so what will u wins? O ders TONS to win!

Humanz win a Meow-o-ween tee from ma Cafepress store freaturin ma Boris-o-Lantern snoot (u choose size u wants when u wins).

meow-o-ween tee

Doggies wins Pumpkin and Bat dogtoys and a doggy hoody wif Franken-Boris-o-Lantern on back!

meow-o-ween dog toys

meow-o-ween pet hoddy

Kitties wins sum knob gobblin toys, a mousey and NIP (da best halloweenie treat out der) plus a hoddy wif hoody wif Franken-Boris-o-Lantern on back!

meow-o-ween cat toys

meow-o-ween cat toys

So now dat u knows wot u wins. How do u go about winnin it? EZ! Simply post ur Halloween pikshur linky URL in da comments below and den fill out da Rafflecopter fingy to complete ur entry and to get extra entries too.

Da rules. pikshurs must be of u or ur pets, u must own da rights to da image (no pullin piks frum utter sites n claimin dem az urs). USA residents only (sawry). International folks can still show off der piks but just don’t fill out rafflecopter.

good luck (plz share ma contesty wif ur pals)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Oct 052012

Frankenweenie hits theaters today and in honor of dis way cool Tim Burton moovie Human2 did Frankenweenie-fied me! So now I all reddy to go to da movie n see wot all da fun iz all about!


Dis iz a fun facebook app dat lets u upload a photo of ur pet. den add stuff to it to turn ur kitty or doggy into a Frankenweenie-like beatsie. Here are two of mines.

 borisweenie  borisweenie

Go to facebook n makes urs today den share it wif me here.

Dunt furgets u can learns more about dis cool moovie at where h2 put up movie infofun factsFrankenweenie Characters and behind da scenes pikshures too!

Oct 042012

Frankenweenie opens tomorrow and u should really go see it. We lub da short film (available on [amazon_link id=”6305949980″ target=”_blank” ]Nightmare Before Christmas DVD[/amazon_link]) and are beary excited about seeing the moovie.

Check out this fun video presented by da psychic kitty netwerk… MOL



U can also head ovah to facebook to ask Whiskers sum of ur own qweshuns too!

 U can lern more about da film on Human2’s webby site where herz put up movie info, fun facts, Frankenweenie Characters and behind da scenes pikshures too!

Sep 262012

School mighta only started (actually it iz midterm alreddy can u believe it) but you gotta plan a yearbook all year long. Get to takin photos n organizin dem. It can be a lotta hard werk. But ma human2 werked on da yearbooks in high school and back in da dark ages it wuz a lot harder to makes one I’ll tell you.

Heck, wif all dis digital technologies you can makes one on your own from How cool iz dat?

Shutterfly makes making yearbooks easy peasy lemon squeezy. Wif school bein back we finks dem make ur own yearbooks r a great idear. Especially for kids in schools wif no yearbooks, or bein home schooled. It gibs dema chance to savin der memories from da school year too.

Here’s ma scool pikshur. I wuz goin fur class clown but Indykitty winned dat one.

Boris Relaxin

I winned ma class vote for most likely to nap in class. MOL

Need sum inspurrashuns? Check out Shutterfly  across da interwebs…

Wow der everywhere kinda like kitties. H2 gonna makes me a yearbook sumtime *gibs herz a squinty eyed look*? Or mehbe we should do one of Edgar’s travels? Dat would be fun in a yearbook.  *takes notes* I gotta get werkin on dat.


Disclosure: dis iz a sponsored post, but az always da thoughts comments and opinions r all mines! Just like all da chicken on ur plate it iz all mines!

Sep 232012

Boris wif PooterI dunt knows iffen u knows dis or not but kittehs lub pooters! It iz not just cause we r all ovah ur internets either (altho we do rule da interwebs — we iz everywhere).

We r attracted to computers cause of da fun fings we see and hear on dem (and der warm). We wanna get at wot ever in der makin dem noises.

Sides laptops r nice n warm (ma sisfur Abby used to LUB sleepin on H2’s laptops. See der iz photographic evidence of this crime).

Tippy would walk right across da keyboard messin up da WIFI and turnin off programs or ejectin da discs.

Purrsonally I just likes to usin it to watchin kittehs on youtube (lub dat Maru, MOL).

Seriously tho hab u ever given it much thought az to wot u could lose because we cats like to sit on whatever it iz u humanz r workin on?

It could be devastatin. Check out the evidence I wuz talkin about. Des here photos show WIFI settin and PC tasks windows popped up by da putty tat wot plopped on da computer keyboards. Who knows what settins or files could hab been deleted or changed! (why dunt u shares wif us in r comments section sum of ur favorite kitteh pooter pics or stories).

Abby on PC Tippy on Laptop Abby on computer

We did do anutter post ovah on human2’s bloggy on protectin ur PC frum us kitties. Probably the quickest and easiest fing you can do right now iz set up an online file storage and backup. got u covered there. Dey r gibbin all us kittehs n r owners 30 GB of free cloud storage for important kitteh files. U can automatically set up file backups or just drop n drag files onto der servers. fink about it dis is great way to be double sure even ur external hard drive is safe (cause dey will have a backup of ur backup safe on der server. When u sign up at just using da promo code: WEBCAT for ur 30GB of free storage.

And just to provin ma point dat cats do indeed rule da web here iz a fun infographic to makes ma point.

cats on the Internet

Sep 202012

meowoween tee Now u can wear a Franken-Boris-O-Lantern wherever you go.

I made dem cool shirts ovah at Spreadshirt. We likes dem cause u can use vector files and have cool print options like ma glow in da dark Franken-Boris shirt.

Besides ma pawsum shirt u can even make ur own simply by choosing an image from hundreds of available designs or upload your own, add text make it ur own creations. I made dis cool Keeps Calm n Purr shirt (wif skeery scratches down da front (n da scratches r fuzzy). It iz not very expensive and it iz lots of fun.

keep calm purr

Check out Spreadshirt for your t-shirt printing needs.

Use coupon code TENYEARS between September 18th-27th and save $10 0ff $50.

Sep 202012

To keep Piper off ma Bed Buddy I made Human2 gib her herz own toy. It more Piper sized. It called a PetCandy Candy Nip. It iz made of soft fleece materials and filled wif powerful good nip. Piper liked it, but fur sum reason herz wanted my Bed Buddy more!

PetCandy Nips

Da fringes r kinda fun n herz haz been spotted carryin da toy round by dem. Dis were fun but I fink overall da Bed Buddy wins out in dis house. We likes r toys on da bigger side.



Disclosure: H2 broughted dis home from werk ( We were not paid or told wot to writes in any way shape or form. I dare u to tell a kitteh dey haz to likes sumfin! Go on try it!


Sep 192012

Edgar Snugglin Erin GrayEdgar is out halp kittehs all ovah da werld. You knows he a travelling fool. Well dis summer he hung out wif Erin Gray (a super duper nice lady) and had his picture took wif her. Iffen u buy dis Buck Rogers tape you will halp him halp da kitteh cause a portion of dis auction will go to da Blind Cat Rescue. Also we will send u a print of Erin Gray snugglin wif Edgar iffen u wins da auction. HUGS!

Selling this to help the Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary. Please bid.

All eBay auctions from whataslacker and lets halp sum anipals!

Sep 192012

HULK SMASH! But Hulk halp kittehs! Buy this super rare exclusive Hulk minifigure and u 2 will do just dat. Portion of dis auction will go to da Blind Cat Rescue.

Selling this to help the Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary. Please bid.

All eBay auctions from whataslacker and lets halp sum anipals!

Sep 192012

Human2 comed home wif a most excellent new toy fur us kittehs from today. It iz called a Bed Buddy….no not bed buggies (we dunt likes dem and worry about getting dem every time we travel somewheres). It is a fun big catnip pillow toy wif eyes. (U can  no seed dem eyes cause I am huggin da toy too tite.)

PetCandy bed buddy

I got to try it first. Az u can see by da look on ma face I do LUB dis new toy. It iz big enuff dat I can even bunny kick it.

Pheobe iz wanting to take it from me. But NO WAY!

PetCandy bed buddy

Piper lubbed it. Heck we had to get her herz own purrty pink one wif floofy plush cause herz likes plush toys like Lamb Chop. (We hab to get piksurs of herz carryin it around da house. Herz even takes it up and puts it in bed wif Human2 at nites.)


Disclosure: H2 werks for dem fine folks at so I gets to be spoiled at a discount. No one twisted ma paws to make me likes dis toy. It iz a quality toy made in USA wif quality nip inside dat speaks fur itself and well I had to tell it like it iz affer all. Good toy. Good Nip. Period. O I wuz compensated by gettin to hab ma handsum mancat snoot posted on der webby site.