Boris Kitty

Nov 302012


Here is Edgar werking hard to box up gift bags of Webkinz & utter plushies for to send off to the kids at the Open Door Mission in Nebraska.

We heard about da kids der dat needs to have a happy Christmas too. So we were beary happy to send off a box of toys for der Project Santa too!

Dat Edgar been werkin real hard on donations dis year! He did dis affer making a bunch of boxes to sends out to animal shelters and rescues too. Dat’s right we have not forgotted about our anipal friends wot need to have a good xmas too.

Nov 302012

Edgar giving toys

I sent Edgar back to our favorite comic book shop (1up Collectibles) to drop off even more of the Webkinz & stuff for Toys for Tots.

He had to hug every toy as it went out into the box. Here a gallery of Edgar huggin da anipals az dey go off to new homes.

Nov 282012

toys for tots

Ensign Edgar daKitty (he just had to go in his Star Trek uniform) wented wif Human2 to 1up Collectibles (r favorite comic book shop) and dropped off a nutter donation to Toys fur Tots. Dis time it wuz a Buttons-Opoly game Shih Tzu Opoly actually. I fink any kid dat lubs doggies will ub habbin dis game. But dis iz not hiz last stop. No sir. Edgar haz more donations for to gib dem kiddies.

Hmmm mehbe u could join us in our Toys for Kiddies from Kittehs campaign? Donate to Toys for Tots today!


Nov 272012

2012 toys 4 tots

We fink all kids should hab a good Christmas (even if az a child H2 hated Clasuerman). Dat why we always gib sumfin to Toys for Tots. Sum years we can gib more den utter and dis year iz a beary abundant year, because we were gived tons of Webkins from a store closing buy out and were den donated to us by We calling Part 1 of our Toys for Tots journey da Pink Poodle project cause we are gibbin dem kids 57 pink poodles!

Toys for Tots

Piper decided to inspect da toys from inside da bags.

toys for tots

It is  Toys for Tots time and Edgar and I r beary busy! I sent Edgar off to Toys R Us to drop off our fist round of donations for dis year. He had to say goodbye to each of dem poodles afore dem went. Dey gonna get new lubbin homes.

Toys for Tots

Da Pink Poodles gonna fill up dat donation box!

Edgar Toys for Tots

 Hab u donated sumfin yet?

Nov 272012

WOW! I wuz contacted by da fine folks at Printcopia about tellin ma anipal friends about der canvas prints. I gotted an 8×10 canvas print of one of human2’s favorite photos of me. Check it out!

Canvas Print of Boris Kitty

LOOKIT I am ART! Der site wuz super easy to use and we could crop da photo right in der program. Utter options we had were da sides of da canvas we chose to hab da photo extend around da stretcher (wooden frame behind da canvas) dat way we can just hang it up right on da wall like human1’s paintings. It even came wif a hook on da back. All we needed to supply were da nail and da wall! H2 really likes da look dat da prints on canvas gib her photos. I am finkin we’re going to have several more around da house too and wot better subject den anipals? Des would make pawsum xmas gifts fur ur humanz. hint hint hint.

Now dat you know how pawsum des canvas prints are I bet you wants one, no? Well you can enter here to get ur own 8×10 canvas print of ur own kitty or dog (sawry boris kitty canvas prints not available MOL). Enter below. Only available to US Residents and it ends 12/10/12

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Nov 272012

It is dat time of year agin when we sit down and go thru our Xmas card list. Then go runnin around looking for just the right card to send to our friends and family. Why not save all that running around and make sum super terrific personal Photo Christmas Cards over at You can even shop for tons of other gifts while your there too.

Boris Lights Up

How’s dis fur a pawsum xmas card? Ma eyes r all lit up like da trees MOL! Dis wuz ma first xmas wif ma humanz. I wuz so lil den.

O and since your headed over there to make sum cards why not check out their Special Offers page. Like free shipping on orders over $30 stuff like that. (and come back later when we get Edgar’s photobook too see r review).

How’s about a lil halp wif gettin dem cards reddy? Here iz ur chance to win a special code for $50 off order of $50 or more (excluding tax and shipping & cannot be combined with any other promos (expire 12/14/2012 – no extensions)!!! Gotta hurry contest ends 12/3/12 (and winner gotta hab der info to me before da 4th or else sum one else will be picked).

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Nov 132012

This past weekend I wented out to halp ma humanz rake up da leafs. We haz one tree n it doz cover our lil yard wif leafs all Autumn long. We gotta gets dem raked afore da big truck comes by to suck dem up. OMC da iz da skeeriest vacuum a kitteh haz ever seed. (iffen I ever sees it & dunt runs n hides I will take a pikshur to show u).

I wuz allowed outside even tho ma Kritter Kondo wuz putted away fur da winter alreddy az long az I wuz a good boy. Well I gots too close to da front steps so Human1 wuz coming to get me. So I ran ovah to Human2 to hide.

boris in leafs

See dem feets? Dat iz H1 comin to gets me.

boris in leafs

Not only hab I nevah evah gotted in a leaf pile afore. Digging n buryin ma hed in one wuz definitely out of character fur me. But hai I wuz hidin affer all!

boris in leafs

When I felt safe enuff I stuck ma hed out n smiled at H2. Cause I knewed I wuz stayin put!

Wot fun stuff doz u do in da Fall times?

Nov 102012

I told you I did hab more great news about da upcoming release of Disney’s Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups. Enter now to win ur beary own copy! (or gib it to ur favorite furless kitten to enjoy)

Contest open to all US residents (sawry it iz a region one DVD affer all — dat means it would not werk in international players). Entries must be received afore Nov 29 (I haz to hab the winners info into Disney by da 30th so iff da winner doz not contact me right away a new winner will be picked.)

Santa Paws 2 DVD

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Nov 092012

Yesterday I told you about da pawsum Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups comin out on DVD/Blu-ray.

Santa Pups Activity SheetWell today I bring u a cool activity sheet to downloads right here. It haz a coloring page (see I even colored one, but i did no finish it cause I a slacker kitteh), a maze, a word search, a coded message n more funs.

Kids of all ages will hab fun wif dis.

So downloads it today and hab fun wif it until dat video comes out next week.

Speaking of da Santa Pups, be on da look out fur ur chance to win a copy of da DVD right here on!

Note: da activity sheet iz a PDF so u will needs Adobe fingy.


Nov 092012

Teehee…I seed dis on Pinterest today and had to saving it. H2 added dem silly speech bubbly fings so da humanz knows wot us kittehs r finkin when we seed squirrels on Pinterest.

pinterest kittehs wants squirrels

Are dem kittehs eye up dem babeh squirrels or wot!? (o n yes dat iz a screen cap dat how dem kittehs were on Pinterest)

U can follow da great n powahful Boris Kitty ovah on Pinterest iffen u likes dem anipals. I posting lots of dem der.