Boris Kitty

Mar 142013

scifipawty tee shirtH2 and I just ordered up our SCIFIpawty shirts. I hopes it arrives before SCIFIpawty so herz can wears it. MOL

Herz ordered a pawsum glow-in-da-dark one wif da new Rocket Zoomin’ Round da Paw Planet logo on it.

Do u likes ma new logo? Let’s me know.

Da new shop iz at Spreadshirt dey do sum pawsum printing (and sum of da shirts gots cool fuzzy printin so u can pet urself MOL).

Here is linky to ma shirt shop:

Right now der iz a coupon to get free shipping when u buys 2 or more shirts. Also any moneys we get (which is $2 per shirt) will be going to One By One Cat Rescue.

Right now we haz $4 from t-shirt sales!

Free Shipping code: EASTER2013 (valid with 2 or more products in your cart from March 11-22, 2013)

Plus u can makes u own Custom T-Shirts wif dem too!

Feb 272013

OMC. Ma furrends ovah at did ovah do dem selfs once agin. We hab always lubbed der pawsum anipal trading cards (and have tried to collect all our pals) so when dey sed lets make special edishun for SCIFIpawty I wuz jumpin up and down all excited. Here iz wot ma card will look likes.

Boris In Space Trading Card

Here iz ma SCIFIpawty Trading Card front and back.

You can seed I am flying in space wif da Millennium Falcon fightin da good fight. But dat Darth Vader keeps telling me dat da Darkside haz cookies!

Here da best part… You can head ovah to right now and order up your very own set of highly collectible and sought affer SCIFIpawty Trading Cards today.

You will den hab a chance of being in da extra special edition 10 pack of cards wot will be fur sale on der site. A portion of da sale of these packs will go to One By One Cat Rescue!

When you order ur own cards I suggest orderin dat special 10 pk of cards as well so u hab a super special edishun collekshun on paw to show off to ur pals (plus u will get ma card & halpin da kittehs out at da same time).

SCIFIpawty Trading Cards Edgar

Here is Edgar’s card front and back. to gib u a few idears fur ur cards.

So start you collection today. It iz out of dis world fun collectin and tradin with ur pals & I wants to hab a HUGE collection of SCIFIpawty cards in ma card binder!

Toki SCIFIpawty Trading Cards

Toki showin off her Avatar look fur her SCIFIpawty Trading Cards

Feb 272013

boris kittyHuman2 got up early last Caturday and wented out wif out me.

Herz wented to a train & toy show ovah at da expo center (dats where dey will be havin da Pet Expo, which is unfortunately da same weekend az SCIFIpawty).

Well, herz hoped to seed pawsum train setups but wuz a little disappointed by most.

However, der wuz one train setup dat made her wanna come home and set up my trains. It wuz dun by da fun folks at PENNLUG (Pennsylvania Lego Users Group, wot iz an AFOL [adult fan of lego] group….I finks H2 should join dat group). Here are sum pikshurs of da cool LEGO train set dey did. You can seed more ovah at

Doctor Who in da LEGO train set

LEGO Trains

LEGO trains

DO u seed da red shirt guy & Superman flyin by?


Feb 182013

SniffinHalloooo everybuddy.

So did you take a whiff? What did you smell?

Well der iz a new scent in da wind from our pals ovah at World’s Best Cat Litter.

I can’t tell you what dat scent is just yet. Fur now it will haz to stay a mystery.

Be on da look out for more informashuns on dis pawsum new litter from dis Catvocate for WBCL! Dats right I am a Catvocate (did u not seed ma fancy new badge over to da right on ma bloggy).

Worlds Best Cat Litter New Scent

So what do you fink da mystery scent iz?


Feb 142013

All day I been on Pinterest showing off kittehs wif heart patterns in der furs. It iz kinda cool and best part iz I finded a coupla pals like Romeo the Cat and Your Daily Cute’s Moo dat hab hearts on dem too. Well I had enuff of dis cuteness and I sez I hab a heart too! Do u seed it?


Ok so ma heart iz a lil lopsided and u haz to squint a lil to see it but I haz one!

So Happy Valentine’s Day to all ma pals. Iffen u missed ma pins today here are a few of our favorite ones.

Source: via Boris on Pinterest

Source: via Boris on Pinterest

Source: via Boris on Pinterest

Source: via Boris on Pinterest

Feb 132013
Dog basket

Da prize will be similar to dis basket but filled wif kitteh stuffs.

Da pawsum folks at IAMS wot hold da Home for the Holidays program each year want to fanks to all you pawsum folks dat halped dem reach more than 5.5 million meal donations and 1.3 million animals adopted to forever homes! HOW COOL IZ DAT?!?

Dey finded homes for:
– Dogs: 684,896
– Cats: 553,550
– Other: 26,663 (includes rabbits, horses, birds and more)

So I am habbin a beary qwik contesty to get u a gift basket full of goodies from da folks at IAMS / P & G. I knows loads of doggies out der are habbin similar contesties but I wanted to make sure da kittehs were gettin equal chance to winnin a gift basket too.

Doesn’t dis story sound familiar?

“We’re celebrating the fact that in just three months we helped save the lives of almost 1.3 million animals,” said Mike Arms, founder of the adoption drive and president of Helen Woodward Animal Center. “We’re proud of the work we’ve done and we’re especially proud of the hard work the partner organizations continue to do every day. Take the story of Wyatt, a tiny kitten who was abandoned and found near death. Wyatt was nursed back to health by dedicated cat rescue volunteers and has since found his forever home. Stories like these show us the importance of promoting pet adoption and how a program like Iams Home 4 the Holidays can make a huge difference in the life of a pet.”


 Ok I said a qwik contest and I meaned it. Dis ends March 1 so get to entering. Entries are easy peasy and sum you can do every day to get more entries. 

Continue reading »

Feb 102013

Who Let the Dogs Out*pawses da DVR*

OMC. My twitter pal, Tillman (@TillmanSkates) haz his beary own TV show wot iz in its second season and now on da Hallmark channel called Who Let The Dogs Out. It iz a pawsum show and u shuld all set ur DVRs (cause it is unfortunately in da middle of da day on Fridays….boo Hallmark). But Tillman and all da doggies on da showin doin pawsum tricks iz well worth the DVR time honest.

Dis week dey featured clips from BLOGPAWS. I did miss out on going to BlogPaws last year cause of a fambly emergency (& I wuz just heart broken to learn dat not only would I miss ma pals from previous BlogPaws I would not hab a chance to meet Tillman).

Seeing da show kinda made up for missin da real fing. I got to seed all ma pals right der on ma TV (dis is somefin I don’t even get to do when H2 gets to go to BlogPaws).

We are so looking forward to getting to BlogPaws 2013 where H2 gets to learn new tricks too. It iz a great conference for pet bloggers to learn how to better der bloggies and network wif fellow bloggers. Dis year we gonna try and get us sum guest bloggers here on my bloggy. Wot do you all finks about dat?

I finks BlogPaws 2013 will be da right place to lern how to do just dat!

Back to watchin Tillman!

*unpawses da DVR*



Feb 042013

monster thowkkin

I tell you, while I do lub ma new sisfurs, sumtimes a cat just gotta gib dem a good thwokkin. Phoebe would be up in ma face 24/7 if I di dnot put her in herz place every once in awhile.

Do u get along wif your fursibs all da time or do u throw lil hissy fits sumtimes too?



Feb 032013

By now you should all know how much I likes goin outside and nommin on grass & just feelin to fresh airs on ma furs. Well I musta furgots how cold winter can get especially when it be snowin. Human2 wuz outside doing stuff. I knew it wuz sumfin fun and not da horrible hard work of snow shovelin dat herz sed it wuz. So I sneaked out when H1 opened da front door. Since H2 wuz in da back I had transverse da horrible white stuffs on the ground.

I made ma move to go around it, but instead of goin out da nice shoveled walk I decided to go along da house where I spied sum grass stickin out of the white stuffs. Dis wuz not a smart move mind you. I gotta half way ovah to H2 and I got stuck. Der wuz a bush in ma path. It blocked da little bit a cement around da window well and I stood der and meowed at H2 fur halp.

Guess wot herz not only did not halp herz laffed at me! Well I foxed her silly butt! I got ovah da trubble area afore herz could get any pikshurs of me meowin & tippy toeing around da bush (I guess it did look silly but herz coulda halped insted of laffin at me). Wot do u fink? Should herz have halped me or stood der laffin?

Yucky Snow

Rite back der iz where I wuz stuck! But I got thru even wif out H2’s halp.

Yucky Snows

Boy I did furget how much I hate dis white stuffs. Makes da paws cold.