Boris Kitty

Apr 082013

Our furrends ovah a Petmate wot makes dem pawsum Fat Cat toys sent us sum loverly fings to donate az pwizes for SCIFIpawty.

Seems like everybuddy lubs Fat Cat toys and our pawty goers were no exception either.

Da winner of da kitteh costume pwizes donated da toys to da kittehs at One By One wot wuz so nice.

Human2 went and hand delivered da toys over the course of two weeks and tons of shelter kittehs gotted new toys fanks to @newtthecat


Posted using

Apr 082013

Perpetual Kid did offer up sum pawsum and silly pwizes yet agin dis year. Dey have sum great stuff on der website. U shuld check dem out!

Show ur lub and appreciation for dem by…

Liking dem on facebook:

and following dem on twitter:


Apr 052013

BlogPaws haz been a BIG part of ma life since it started. And we were beary happy dat dey sponsored such a wunnerful prize dis year (a Bissell Spotbot).

Please take a few minutes and sign up for da BlogPaws community where u can meet new pals even if u can’t make it to one of der conferences (but we lubbed BlogPaws every time we were able to attend & highly recommend that you go if u get da chance).

Follow dem on twitter:

Like dem on facebook:


Apr 042013

Sweet deal from Get free shipping on all RoomMates wall decal orders $49 and up — no coupon code needed!

Please visit & share our lub of dis SCIFIpawty prize sponsor.

Like dem on facebook:

Follow dem on Twitter:

Would also be great iffen u could gib dem a big hai & fanks u via twitter too @roommatesdecor

Des folks make sum mighty good and fun decorations for any room or office. Dey hab donated prizes for the past two years and seems like everybuddy lubs da prize too!

Dis year dey gave us Star Wars and The Hobbit decal sets to give away. Hope they will be able to offer up these great prizes again fur the 5th Annual SCIFIpawty next year!


Apr 022013

ThinkGeek haz been a prize donor fur us since da beary first SCIFIpawty. Dey haz halped out so many kittehs wif der pawsum merchandise and 2013 wuz no exception.

Da pawty goers were all fightin fur a chance to win da pawsum pwizes dey gibbed us. If u did not win ur fav pwize hop on ovah to der website and pick up a few fings. Ur sure to find tons of goodies to gets fur da geeks in ur life.

Show dem lub by likin dem on facebook:

and followin dem on twitter:


Mar 272013

Forest Scented Cat litterForest Scented Clumping Formula – Made with a blend of 100% natural wood fibers, this clumping formula is ideal for cat owners who prefer a fresh forest scent.

We got some of dis to try and we all (humanz included fink it da best scent from WBCL yet!)

You can enter below to wins sum to try for urselfs too! (just remember u wanna mix it into current litter slowly do no wanna shock ur kittehs wif a brand new litter all at one time!)

Dis contest iz open to US residents only (sawry but it heavy to sendin dis pawsum litter out to utter countries). Each winner (der will be 5 winners) will get 2 6-lb bags of Forest Scented Clumping Formula to give it a good try on ur cats. I bets u will fall in lub wif it.

Da odds r ever in ur favor (guess where dat quote from). So gets ur entries in NOW.

Contest ends April 17th (just could not bring maself to do it on tax day MOL).


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Mar 232013



Micheles Wearable Art

Haz offered to donate 10% of sales on der webby site to One by One Cat Rescue now thru May 1st.

Dat gibs u time to save sum moneys affer havin donated to SCIFIpawty urself and still get sumfin nice.

When u placin an order please let dem know u herd about dem frum SCIFIpawty or via Boris so dey knows to gib us da donations!

Mother’s Day iz comin up and u will find quite a few nice fings ovah at Michele’s Wearable Art. (just make sure to mention SCIFIpawty to gib us a donation)

And az a little fank u fur offer us da donashuns I would like ma pals wot hab facebook to stop by der page & gib dem a LIKE.


Mar 232013

We always hab pawsum fun wif r barktenders, nommy foods & DJs wot make us dance like der iz no gravity. Not to mention all dem fabUloose doorprizes. But dis year we hab added a few extras to make dis a little more like a convention.

We hab da Autograph Room which will be open all thru da pawty. Wot iz a convention wif out gettin pawtographs rite?

Da now famouse costume contest is on as well. Get ur entry posted before end of Pawty cause da judges will be pickin da winner on Sunday (we will annouce winner next week sumtime).


2:00 PM EDT SCIFIpawty Edition of #CaykClub

Stop by fur sum out of dis universe cayks frum @OllyTed & #caykclub





Stop by and hear all about Pawfleet and meet sum of da crew of da USS Crusher!



4:00 PM EDT Special Edition of ZackRabbit’s #CookinWif Rabbits 

You will wanna stay tuned affer da Pawfleet panel to watch da special episode of da Star Trek Bunnyprise!





Da Lone Blogger Podcast iz doin an interview wif H2. (H2 a nervous nelly & dunt likes phones so dis shuld be fun. MOL)

Tune into:

And u can call in to comment or askin qweshuns here: 347-324-5059


Our pals held a pawsum tin foil hat contest (winner will get trading cards & utter great pwizes) Entries are all in and it is up to SCIFIpawty to pick da winners! Check em out on facebook.




Dats rite we brought back da old way of doin qwizzes fur #SCIFIpawty. Get ur fink caps on. Make sure ur followin @joeybeancat