Boris Kitty

Sep 042013

The Walk for the Animals iz a little earlier dis year and haz tooked us by surprise! It iz next weekend alreddy (Sept 14th). I can no believe it!

We lub all u guys n really appreciates ur support on r lil fundraisin efforts to halp da animals at da Humane Society of Berks County each year.

Even wif out me pesterin u guys on a regular basis u hab halped me reach ma goal and go ovah it even! (Let’s see iffen we can beat last years and get me to $850.)

It iz kitties like Jenny here dat we do it fur u know.

Adopt Jenny Now!

Jenny is a sweet lil tabby lookin for a home to call her own!

Donation linky:

Donate now and halp da Humane Society of Berks County halp more kittehs like Batty, who wuz gettin his furever home while H2 wuz der takin his pikshur!


Batty got ADOPTED!

ADOPTED! Lub lub lub seein kittehs gettin furever homes!


Humane Society of Berks County’s 36th Annual Walk for the Animals is Sept 14 at Maple Grove Raceway.



Related Stories:

Sep 032013

Feliway sez dey r da secret to happy cats. At least dat iz der tag line. We are mostly happy cats round here (now dat I am used to da monsters livin in ma house), but Phoebe iz a bit of a loner n a bit of a scaredy cat too. So when the Blog Paws Blogger Network wuz lookin fur volunteers to try da Feliway Diffuser we stuck our paws straight up in da air and screamed me me me! Well turns out dey heard us cause we were chosen to be apart of dis bloggy campaign.

We received our product pretty quick once we were chosen (quick delivery is always a good sign — way to go EntirelyPets).

Feliway Trial

Piper wants to know wot we got.

However, da packaging left a lot to be desired. We certainly hope dat EntirelyPets does not send out dis kind of product in a padded envelope on a regular basis. We were lucky and the only thing destroyed in the envelope was the box. The box was smashed so bad that the diffuser and the refill were loose inside the envelope. Like I said, we hopes dis wuz sent to us on the cheap cause we were reviewing dis product fur free and they did not wanna send it in a nice box that would have protected the contents better (shipping costs can be expensive we knows).

No liquid had spilled and the diffuser only had the outlet prongs slightly pushed together. That was easy to fix and no other damage was apparent.


Dis iz da state our package arrived in. Everyfing wuz okay but it looked skeery til we inspected everyfin.

We got excited when we saw that the Feliway box showed a kitteh hiding under covers on it. This is one of da fings dat Phoebe does the most. And we were hopeful that this product wuz gonna halp her wif dat.


Piper iz really inspectin dis beat up product packaging.

Feliway iz a synthetic pheromone similar to cat’s facial pheromone that is released when we kittehs give somefin a good cheek rub. Da pheromone marks dat sumfin az ours n we knows it to be safe n secure. So by usin dis product we hopes to make more of da house safe n secure fur Phoebe.


Phoebe displays da Feliway once we got it put together (ez pz).


Phoebe iz a willin participant and sed let’s get this thing plugged in already! The refill wuz extremely easy to put into the diffuser and all you have to do is plug it into an open outlet. The plugs actually rotate, which is very helpful. We only have sideways outlets where we wanted to use this and the other outlets already had big plugs in them and the unit just would not fit there. So da handy dandy rotating plug iz a major plus.

Feliway Review

In case u could no seed Phoebe in dis pikshur Piper points her out fur u.

Piper points out one of Phoebe’s hiding spots. She also likes to be on a chair that is pushed in under the table, hangs out in tunnels & tents, behind & under the sofa (this one we don’t like cause it iz a recliner sofa). She comes out to rub up on me and play wif sisfur sometimes, but mostly she iz on her chair or under sumfin. We want herz to be a happy cat.

After about two and a half weeks we started to see a little bit of a difference with Phoebe. She seems to be out in the living room with us a little more and has even been playin with Piper a bit more (but I sumtimes fink Piper bullies her a bit n dats why herz hides). I fink we might get anutter refill when dis runs out and see if it continues to improve. We did not expect this to be an over night fix but a slow gradual one. Phoebe is coming out of her shell a bit and it may even be halpin me a lil too. I hab been spotted playin a little more than usual lately too.


Comin out of hidin.




Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post written on behalf of The BlogPaws Pet Bloggers Network for EntirelyPets all thoughts and opinions are our own (however dis disclaimer iz not rs). No kittehs were harmed in da making of dis bloggy post (well mehbe a little thwok).


Aug 302013

In a galaxy far, far away u will seed Boris Kitty thwokkin the crap out of da darkside MOL.

OMC I wuz so excited when I first learned dat des pawsum toys n utter pet goodies were coming from PETCO. Den I wuz heartbroken to lerned dey gonna showcase dem at Barkworld cause we could not afford to go (and dis lil kitteh bloggy dozn’t warrant a sponsor fur events like dis….dey all fink cause dey iz on ma side of da werld I can afford to get ma self der…buts dats anutter bloggy n anutter rant fur anutter day TODAY’s Bloogy iz all about geek anipals n der geeky parents!), so I missed out on cool Star Wars swag to boot!

About a month ago Human2 lerned sum pawsum wunnerful news but did not knows iffen herz could share it wif da werld (herz gotted hers paws on da Petco internal announcement of da Star Wars Pets line and gotted to see all da sweet cool stuff ahed of time). So we kept r mouths shut. But now da cat’s out of da bag n we can halp share da pawsum mews.

Now dis line iz not supposed to be in stores until September 1 (when Petco runnin big promos & I seed da San Fran store iz doin sumfin on Caturday too) SO CHECK UR PETCO NOW FOR DETAILS cause ma one store hard der stuff out almost two weeks ago! (Dats where I got ma paws on des pawsum toys.)

Star Wars Pets


Now der iz gonna be LOADS of doggy fings n kitteh fings n da store might not hab dem all in one pplace but I not sure why not cause dey need to showcase des bad boys!.I gots da TIE Fighter, Millennium Falcon and Yoda/Chewie Mice (to start wif….o yes I will be gettin more….and YES we will hab sum of dis cool stuff at SCIFIpawty fur pwizes too)

Doogies will hab cool sqweek toys, collars, dog tags, shirts, costumes, yoda ears etc. Both lil doggies n kittehs can snooze in one of da beds (der will be Darth Vader and Yoda). Sides da cool kitteh fings u see me wif der will be Leia hair, Yoda ears, Deathstar ball (gettin dat) n Darth Vader & Stormtrooper mice (I sure I furgotted sumfin but u will be seein it in stores n onlines des Sunday!)

Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets

Piper had to inspect EVRYFING afore I could get ma paws on it.

Star Wars Pets

Phoebe wuz tryin to horn in on ma fun but I would no let her spoil it.

Star Wars Pets

No TIE Fighter is a match fur me! Sumtimes when I m playin I gets a lil crazy n hab to go n hide frum da “prey” so I can sneaks up on it in sneak attacks.

Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets Star Wars Pets

Star Wars Pets

Yes I let Phoebe hab a chance too!

As u can see des r pawsum fun toys n all three us us gib dem four paws up! (Dat sayin sumfin cause we not all like all toys all da time)

HAI SAVINGS ALERT: $7 off your order of $70 at


Disclaimer: des toys were bought from ma own hard earned moneys we were not sponsored or endorsed by PETCO fur dis post (but I tryin to gets dem to donate fur SCIFIpawty so stay tuned). No kittehs or Star Wars collectibles….er toys were harmed in da making of dis post.

Aug 272013

I gotted ma exercises chasin da sisfur monsters round da house da utter day. I shuld get up n get dem more often!

Chasin Sisfurs

Piper n I were habbin a stand off at da OK-Scratcher Corral da utter day. Phoebe wuz smart n walked away. MOL

Chasin Sisfurs

Piper ran away n I did gib chase. Almost pounced her too!

Chasin Sisfurs

So I figgered herz would come round da utter side. So I waited….

Chasin Sisfurs

Ooops herz creeped up on me n did seed me waitin fur her. No surprise attack der.

Aug 262013

OMC unbeknownst to me n human2 I do indeed fits in dat pawsum scratcher tunnel!

scratcher tunnel

I wuz playin wif Human2 n ma new Star Wars TIE Fighter from Petco and I sneaked beside the scratcher tunnel to hide from the darkside! I thoughted mayhaps I could indeed fits inside dis fing (even tho I iz the same size az it).

scratcher tunnel

Looky looky! I gotted in da scratcher tunnel! I do indeed fits.

scratcher tunnel

and u all did no finks ma big old 25 lb butt could get in dis tunnel. I showed u all!

scratcher tunnel

Not only m I inz it. I r dern cute in here too!

scrtacher tunnel

Der iz even room fur me to play! (kinda)

scratcher tunnel

I will get u n u can no seed me!

scratcher tunnel

TIE Fighter attacks!

Havin a big old moose of a cat inside dis tunnel sure did gib it a werk out. We herd it creakin n crackin and I did knock da side blue fings off (but dey were comin off on der own any who…check out original review for more on dat). As u can see by second to last two pikshurs dat I did indeed scretch it out a bit but it held out fur sum serious attack moves.


Disclaimer: az I sed I wuz given this scratcher tunnel by for to review and dis iz our honest opinion so der! No kittehs were harmed in da making of dis disclaimer sum toys were tho.

Aug 262013

Here is a better look at da video human2 made fur da One By One Cat Rescue’s annual BINGO event da utter week. We are kinda proud of it az human2 wented to all da adoption centers n took photos of da kittehs der. While we werre making it many of da kittehs gotted adopted (u can see dat by big red adopted in da video). We left dem in da video so people could see da happy dat One by One doz.

Der youtube channel is new (h2 iz running it so please pop over n subscribe n watch all da videos and like dem fur us too. Fanks!

Here is da pikshurs in our facebook album iffen u wanna seed all da kittehs we visited.

Oh n by da way herz not just go n snaps pikshurs herz stayed n played wif every single one of dem babies!

Aug 252013

I lubs bein a toy tester and fanks to Human2 werkin for we gets to do it quite often. Never a dull moment round here. MOL

Dis week we gotted some of the brand new Scratcher toys from Petstages to try out. First up is da SCRATCHER TUNNEL. By now u shuld knows I LUB TUNNELS! So I really, really wanted to lub dis one. Sadly it wuz not meant to be (fur me at least).

Scratcher Tunnel

Scratcher Tunnel

Scratcher Tunnel

As you can see I wanted to lub it but upon ma closer inspection it is not made fur big kittehs such as maself.

Scratcher Tunnel

But the monsters lubbed it and could fit inside it so I left them to it.

Scratcher Tunnel

Dey played hide n seeks

Scratcher Tunnel

pounce n attacks

Scratcher Tunnel

games of tag

Scratcher Tunnel

Piper LUBS scratchin an upright position so maybe dis halp save the sofa n mattress!

scratcher tunnel

While I can no sez I lub it da monsters do. 2 out of 3 kittehs agree dis iz pawsum fun.

So now you hab seen how pawsum dis scratcher tunnel can be here are a few fings not so great about it. Da next day Piper wuz scratchin on it affer chasing the sisfur inside it and da tunnel collapsed on top of Phoebe! It did not hurt her, but if it wuz a wee kitten it mite hab been hurt. So watch out fur dat. Seems it happened when Piper wuz scratchin too close to da bottom of the tunnel. Sum duct (or iz dat duck?) tape or packin tape across da top might halp stablize dat and keep it from happen agin (which it did once agin da next day). Also da cute patterns along the sides n top are simply glued onto da corrugated cardboard wif wot appears to be rubber cement so it doz not stay too well (da blue sides are gone on one side alreddy). This does not bother us and many people that hab a cardboard eating kitteh like Phoebe will either remove them or lose them purrty soon anywho. Dis toy iz still good enuff to get r seal of approval but ur mileage may vary. MOL

Here are sum pikshurs of the loose embellishments…

scratcher tunnel scratcher tunnel scratcher tunnel scratcher tunnel

Disclaimer: az I sed I wuz given this scratcher tunnel by for to review and dis iz our honest opinion so der! No kittehs were harmed in da making of dis disclaimer.

Aug 252013

Human2 and I did build our beary own PAWFLEET last week end.

Pawfleet ships


I halped build dis cute lil Enterprise and den we kept on buildin!


Pawfleet ships


Romulans entered da neutral zone!


Pawfleet ships


Inspectin da fleet….How did dat TARDIS get in here?


Pawfleet ships


Minimate Kirk u can no hides from me in dat bridge. I knows u in der. I saw H2 put u der.


Pawfleet ships


Dat pawfleet ships look good. I gib dem ma seal of approvals.


Pawfleet ships


But H2 didn’t u stop collectin Star Trek ships?

Aug 222013

Human1 collects Mona Lisa stuff so human2 and I set out to make her a cool Mona Lisa Mosaic out of the way cool nano blocks dat ma pal Zack Rabbit sent me fur ma birfaday prezzie. We made a cool lil Jack Skellington out of dem den started to werk on da Mona Lisa. Human1 iz gonna be seeing Mona Lisa fur reals next month herz beary excited but we all gonna miss her round here. We hoped dat makin dis one would keep herz here wif us. But I dunt fink it werked.

Mona Lisa Mosaic

Dis iz da plannin stages.

Mona Lisa Mosaic

da finished fing

Mona Lisa Mosaic

Not too bad iffen i sez so maself


Aug 182013

Dis year we did not sponsor a basket (but watch out next year we gonna askin u to halp us halp dem just like we did last year), but we still went and played BINGO. Even tho da humanz nor Edgar gotted to yell BINGO dis year dey still had a pawsum time. Dey were told dat da BINGO wuz a big success and dat all good cause it all goes to halping out da kittehs in da shelter.

1 x 1 BINGO

Edgar droppin off da nommy soft pretzels we donated for event. Note to self buy more for next year!

1 x 1 BINGO

Edgar being bad n dippin paw into da till (he sed it fur da kittehs rite? he a kitteh!

1 x 1 BINGO

Dem cuppycakes r too cute to eats. Almost az cute az da BK cuppycake Blind Maximus made of me!

1 x 1 BINGO

Edgar makin new friends

1 x 1 BINGO

gettin cozy

1 x 1 BINGO


1 x 1 BINGO

Peanuts Momma and her rescuers. Hman2 in middle n Sherry da foster momma. Just missin Mary wot found her in trash in her alley.

More about Peanut here: