Boris Kitty

Jul 022014

COLLAR GIVEAWAYWow! Dem fine folks dat run dat super fun webby site r habbin a pawsum giveaway (yes, Human2 werks fur dem but it doesn’t mean toys r not fun n dat we anipals cannot get fun stuff from der so I finks ma statement stands true).

You could win a beary nice (and cool/comfy) dog collar from dem dis month. Dey r givin away 30 collars one each day to 30 lucky winners! I will post der widget here or u can hed ovah to der website or facebook page and enter (but it all da same widget so no need to run to all three and try and get more entries…just meowing).

Da pwizes are handmade in da USA cotton collars (available in five sizes to fits any doggy and winners get to picks der size too!). So try ur paw at winnin a bonny new collar from!

Good luck! (da winners will be posted on da bloggy so stay tuned der!

Continue reading »

Jun 232014

Ma vet office iz habbin a facebook contesty and I did enter cause 1) I hab pawsum furrends dat will help me win & 2) I can win a $50 voucher toward vet services der.

Dis ma cute snoot dat u will seed when you click da linky to vote.


Dis da link to votes:

U needs to hab a facebook profile and den like da page. Affer you click vote da app asks permission and affer u ok all dat u might haz to click vote again (but affer u do it once u ddun’t hab to do it again). U can vote once daily. And right now Im in da lead. Let’s keep me der okai?


Jun 052014


Casper the little doggy that was missing for nearly three days has been returned and is back in the safety of his pet sitter’s house.

(He will never be allowed outside again, MOL!)

Looks like he had quite the adventure!


  1. Casper’s starting point
  2. Last seen just a few blocks from me on Union & Olive
  3. Spotted up by the old Expo center
  4. Rescued from the highway by an angel who was going to take him HSBC (we had contacted them so they would have called us), but the sweet angel saw the facebook posts and called his sitter and he is back safe and sound.

As you can see this little guy had quite the adventure!

He seems none the worse for the wear. Seemed very happy to be home. The worst thing that happened is that he picked up a tick. When you see the area he was found in we are just so very thankful that is ALL that happened!

Thank you to the human that found him, fed him, pulled the tick off him and called to get him back where he belongs! You truly were his angel!


This bad boy is grounded fur sure!

Jun 042014

Update 6/5/2014 Casper Has Been FOUND!

Casper was last seen last night (6/3/2014) around 6pm at Union and Oliver Streets in Northeast Reading.

He is a sweet little guy but may not come when called. Stranger shy. He slipped out of the fenced in yard at his pet sitter’s house and is not wearing tags.

Please keep your eyes out for him.

Please share with everyone. We have to get the word out and halp me halp find ma pals lil doggy furrend.


Name: Casper

Breed: Maltese

Color: white

Weight: 5 lbs

Here is a PDF flyer/poster please print out and share. Contact information is on the LOST DOG CASPER PDF.

May 282014

Remember a whiles back when I gotted a way cool Star Trek Captain’s Chair bed? I lubbed it right away and knew it wuz mine and dat I would never hab to share it wif dem sisfur monsters!

 Star Trek Captains Chair Stolen

Well guess wot?

Since I wuz away in da vet jail, or az I purrfer to call it sickybay, dem monsters stold ma captain’s chair right out from under me!

First it wuz Phoebe…

 Star Trek Captains Chair Stolen

Den it wuz Piper!

 Star Trek Captains Chair Stolen

But now I am home and I gets ma chair back!

 Star Trek Captains Chair Stolen

It iz ma bed and I out rank u monsters! (Human2 had to flip da pillow so it no longer smelled like dem monsters fur me to get into ma bed.) It iz tuff bein a sicky kitteh wif monsters stealin ur stuff while ur in hospital. No fair. You can see more pictures of a healthier me enjoyin ma Star Trek Pet Bed over at


May 262014

I gotted some pawsum get well cards a lil while back from a couple of ma younger furrends. I did tweet dem but dey so pawsum u all just gotta see da insides of dem to seed fur urself just how pawsum dey iz. 

Utters hab asked for address to send a card so iffen u would likes to send me a card u can send it to Human2’s werk address: BORIS KITTY, c/o, 254 Welsh Pool Rd., Exton, PA 19341



Get Well Cards

Get Well

Get Well

Get Well
H2 wore da bracelet to da vet appoint da utter day.

May 252014

I did not hab insurance and now we wishing we did. Started out az mild constipation dat turned out to be megacolon dat turned into so many utter issues. da bills r really racking up (and rackin up fast) and ma humanz really did not wanna askin fur halp, but fankfully ma pals did not gib up and we did succumb to da pressures of da bills n now reach out to da anipal community fur halp. Now iffen u can no gib money please send healin purrs, pwayers n positive energy ma way. I wanna beat dis fing. We fanks u all fur all da lub n support ur sendin r way.

I hab herd frum sum pals dat insurance mite not have covered anyfin but den agin it mite hab, but we will never knows since we did not hab it. We r startin to fink it a good fing to hab just in case. U never knows when somefin like dis gonna happen.

Ma pal @GeorgeTheDuck haz set up a YouCaring site to halp me wif ma bills. U can find it here:

Ma utter pal @Whskr iz halpin spread da news n haz a pawsum necklace up fur auction to halp: Middle Earth Monday for BorisKitty –

Here r sum of ma recent bills (sorry I do not hab dem all – in all da hectic doctors visits n ma humanz bein plain crazy we misplaced sum of dem).

But you can see dat just likes humanz, pet care iz beary expensive. We are waitin on an adjustment for da surgery visit dat we were charged $3600 (u will see dat payment on da bottom of ma emergency visit bill from today) since da surgery did not take place yet. All r bills hab been paid on r credit cards we need to pay dem off so we can hab da funds fur wot ever da future brings me.


Vet Bills Vet Bills

 Vet Bills Vet Bills


May 252014

Boris at da VETSorry I hab not updated ma webby page in awhiles now. I been a lil distracted.

Az many of ma furrend already knows I hab been dealin wif chronic constipation fur many years now. It has been manageable by addin pumpkin to ma foods and then addin Vetasyl to ma foods too (dat iz a fiber supplement). Den ma doctor added Lactulose (a kitty stool softener dat pulls water back into da poop to halp u go). When dat wuzn’t werkin much any more da doctor doubled da dosage. Eventually I had to start goin in for enemas and hab da poops tooked out of me. I hated goin to da V-E-T and habbin dem poke me in da butt!

Den I lost a lot of weight (bout 4 pounds) in a few weeks. So back to da vet we wented & herz wuz beary concerned dat I did lose weight so fast. Herz did not fink da weight loss had anyfin to do wif ma constipation. Herz wanted to make sure I did not hab cancer so off to get an ultrasound of ma guts.

So we headed up to da specialist vet up in Allentown, PA (bout a 2 hour drive from home — really only bout an hour but wif traffic it doubles). Dat wuz April 24th. Dey did ma ultrasound wot sed to dem dat I had an inflamed lymph nodes and  enlarged intestines. Dat and I wuz full of poop. So much so dat dey could not really sees what goin on. So dey wanted to do a colonoscopy da next day.

Boris at da VETThat meant more enemas to clean ma insides so dey could see. That and an overnite stay (YUCK).

So da next day dey did da enemas and did an endoscopy and colonoscopy to take biopsies and seed wot wuz goin on inside me. Guess wot? I wuz still full of poop so dey could not really see clearly. So we waited until da biopsy comed back and wuz told no GI Lymphoma (PHEW). Dey wanted me to go on a steroid (prednisolone — came in a liquid but da hospital gibbed me cherry flavor) for da inflammation, an antibiotic (amoxicillin) just in case and cisapride (had to hab dis made at a special compound pharmacy) to halp make my bowels motile (u knows to makes me goes). So humanz started me on dem drugs ASAP.

I wuz on da pills for a few days when I started foamin at da mouth (slobbering) and panting heavily cause of da antibiotic. Humanz contacted ma doctors and we stopped takin dat ASAP. Da docs seemed to fink dat da amoxicillin wuz gettin stuck in ma throat and den da liquid cisapride would go in and not go down either makin everyfin worser.

Boris at da VETMa humanz were told dat I shouldn’t be expected to go potties for a few days. Well I never go for a few days anyways so dey figgered a few more days n den worry. Well I still had not made poops by dat Wednesday (procedure wuz on Friday). So off to ma regular vet fur ma regular enema. Herz told da humanz dat herz did not get many poops out of me and dat dey should be considerin surgery to fix ma poopy problems sooner rather den later. While I wuz der da humanz gotted me da steroids in pill form to make it easier to gib to me. Human2 wented back to da compoundin pharmacy and had da cisapride made into pills instead of liquid (I wuz spittin liquid meds every where). Dem 3 days worth of pills costed same as 2 weeks worth! Holy moly!

So dey scheduled da consultation for dat next Friday to meet da sturgeon. Herz wuz beary nice and beary knowledgeable so ma humanz felt beary confident dat herz would fix me up. And finally we were gibbed a diagnosis. It is megacolon. It wuz at dis consultation where ma humanz first got to seed da x-rays of ma insides and could see just how full of poops I wuz. So right den n der dey scheduled da surgeries, a subtotal colectomy, for da next Thursday (5/22).

So ma humanz packed me up and took me into da hospital to hab ma surgery on Fursday. Den went off to werks cause I wuz expected to be stayin in da hospital for at least 2 days. About an hour affer H2 gots to werks da sturgeon called and told H2 dat I had fluid around ma lungs (Chylothorax). Dey had to remove da fluids (200 ml wuz removed) and decided not to do ma surgery. Cause dey needed to find da cause of dis Chylothorax. Herz asked iffen ma humanz could come back in and talk to her about dis new development and future game plan. So H2 left werks & head to meet H1 at da house afore drivin back up to da hospital to me and da doctor.

Boris at da VETChylothorax can be caused by heart disease or even cancer or tumors, so ma sturgeon suggested dat I hab an echocardiogram and a CT scan. Da hospital i wuz at could not do dem os dey were scheduled at a vet in Malvern, PA (bout an hour from home in da utter direction).  Da EKG wuz scheduled fur da next day (Friday) and da CT scan fur Saturday. H2 took me in fur da EKG and met da cardiologist.

Da good news, I did not hab heart disease, but I did still hab fluid round ma lungs dat would need to be removed before dey could do da CT scan da next dey. So it wuz suggested dat I stay da nite so both procedures could be done. Human2 called to check on me da nite and doctors would call her after da CT scan wuz done on Caturday.

Da good news, no tumors or cancer, but I had a pneumothorax durin da test. Dat is air in ma chest cavity and dis wuz caused by da removal of da fluids and when ma lungs were inflated for da CT scan.

Ma humanz came to pick me up and took me home. Since I had valium to halp wif da anesthesia I wuz wound up, all lovey and BEARY BEARY HUNGRY! I did chill out enough to go to bed late dat nite and H2 kept wakin up to check on me. Herz sed I wuz sleepin wif ma tongue wuz stickin out ma mouth. We always herd dis wuz a sign of a cat not bein able to breathe. (But da ER doc said dat not tru….wot ER dr u do ask?)

boris-xray-05-25-2014Sunday rolls around. I am lookin and actin a lil better until late afternoon when I am layin on da dinin room table (yeah well you try n keep a kitteh of a table) when I started shakin n shiverin all ovah. H2 called da vet dat did ma tests yesterday and dey had to get back to herz. So herz called up to da emergency vet in same hospital az ma sturgeon and dey sed mite be pain so come in. So off we went to da ER. On da way der da utter doctor called and sed dat most likely it wuz da anesthesia and to monitor me carefully if I got worse den take me in. Well I wuz half way der so better safe den sorry.

Da ER doctor checked me out good and did more x-rays to make sure I did not hab more fluids or a new pneumothorax. I did not hab a fever dey told us dat right away. I wuz breathin ok and da x-rays showed small amount of fluid n no air. PHEW!

I am home now restin comfortably.

Wot da future hold? We not sure. We gonna try and manage da chylothorax wif Rutin, low fat diet (I on Science Diet w/d) & more drainin of fluids if needed (pwayers dat dis resolves itself n day we do not has to keep doin do on a regular basis), if dis doz not werk den der iz surgery fur dis too but it only 60-70% effective and of course da subtotal colectomy still needs to be done at sum point too. So next step iz to talk wif ma sturgeon agin dis week & see where we go frum here.

Apr 122014

Doctor-Who-4th-Scarf-Black-coat-right-side-up-225x300Dis iz a SCIFIpawty only contesty so iffen u pawtyin wif us from 4/12 to 4/13 you can enters dis contesty. Will ship to USA only please.

Dis wuz made by @LadyGreyFox and it wuz too pawsum to leave up to a doorprize. Eazy Peazy entry below wif rafflecopter fingy. if u can no get it to werk leave a comment below az ur entry either one will get u in da drawin fur dis pawsum prize. Wishin I could win it.

Somebuddy win dis fur me plz! 🙂

Check it out here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Apr 122014

Just like last year’s contest we gonna start takin your entries for the costume contest starting now.

Just up load ur photo (real or virtual) into ur favorite photo sharing site (Twitpic, flickr, photobucket, twitter, ur own bloggy wotever). Den hop over here and post ur linky to dat pikshur in da comments of dis post. All entries must be received before end of SCIFIpawty (4*13*14) and judging will be done by Edgar daKitty, Human1 & special guest judge ALF who comed all da way from Melmac to judgin dis year’s contest!

Winners will be announced early next week after da pawty.

When tweetin ur entry be sure to using #SCIFIpawty & @BORISKITTY in ur tweets. Judges can be bribed. Simply hab ur pals tweet dat dey finks ur costume iz da bestest of all #SCIFIpawty and it just mite sway dem judges. MOL

NOTE: If ur link is to ur twitter profile please make sure to leave ur pikshur up fur a few days affer da pawty (we slow here)

Der will be pwizes fur

  • Best Dog Costume
  • Best Cat Costume
  • Best Plushy or Other Anipal Costume

Prizes fur dis contesty are brought to u  by da letter M, da number 7, PETCO & Boris Kitty!  

Doggy prize is: Star Wars Doggy Toys

Kitteh prize is: Star Wars Kitty Toys

Plushie pwize is: Pawsum, super rare Star Wars Petco Bag and goodies! (@Tildatoo)


So post ur costuem pikshur linky below and be sure to include ur @twitter name so we can let everybuddy knows who da winners r next week!