Jan 082016

cat tunnelOr so we thought. Everyone here loves tunnels. They are great for hiding in, chasing through and pouncing on.

We got this cool three way tunnel to review and well, it started out pretty pawsum but then we all lost interest in it.

The center would collapse and it made chasing and hiding kind of hard and no fun after about a week.

It was also made from a cheap material, which isn’t really too much of an issue cause our kitteh claws will just rip up the materials any who. What was more of a concern for us was reading other reviews where the pointy wires poked out and could hurt a kitty. Up until that point we were going to offer it up to one of the cat rescue’s other foster families, but we don’t think so after reading those. Mind you we did not have this happen to us but we do not want to take a chance on it happening to ANY kitty out there.

The tunnel is available at: http://amzn.to/1S9wbd3 and your opinion of it might be higher than ours, that’s okay by us. We hope you enjoy it. We are sticking with our higher quality straight tunnels here.

cat tunnel cat tunnel cat tunnel cat tunnel



Disclaimer: We did receive this product to review and give our honest opinion, which is what you see above. No one told us what to write (have you ever tried to tell a kitty to do ANYTHING). The opinions are my own.

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