Oct 182011

I told u it wuz pumpkin carvin times. When da wheather gets colder n da days get shorter we start lookin forward to r favorite holiday Halloween. We gets to watch Snoopy in Da Great Pumpkin and makes jack-o-lanterns. But we makes Boris-o-Lanterns and dis year we gonna makes pumpkins fur all us kittehs. Me and Edgar gonna snoopervise H2 in da carvin of da sacrificial pumpkins. We also gotted funkins to make permanent Boris-o-Lanterns dis year but we did no wanna miss out on da pumpkin guts. Sides H1 likes makin pumpkin seeds. Dis year it wuz a little harder to finds pumpkins and dey wuz more expensive too.  We finks dat cause of all da rains n floods we had around here dis years. Rains makes fur sqwishy pumpkins.

But we gotted five pumpkins and gutted dem all afore we ever started carving. Dat wuz so we could keep on going wif out stoppin.

 Boris, Phoebe, Piper and Tippy in pumpkin form.

 Another pikshure of da pumkin heads.


 Dis year we also made a Buttons-O-Lantern for our pal Busy Buttons.
Sawry it no sqweeks.

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