I had a very loverly visit wif my twitter pal @JBHippo today. Herz comed to pick up herz SCIFIpawty pwizes and to meets me.
Hippo did reads da instrukshuns on how to survive a zombie attack, cuase u neber knows when dat can happen. |
Den we got down to business….da business of habbin funs. |
We looked out ma window for birdies n squirrels. |
Den we had a lil chat. |
We got down n talked a lil more about wot to doz about dem foster sisfurs. |
Den herz started climbin up on me, just cause i iz bigger den a hippo! |
I not so sure about dis. MOL |
Affer dat herz acided to play wif ma undercover mouse. |
den we wented out side so I could show off ma kondo. |
it really nice come look how long it iz. |
Hai Hippo u not supposed to use it az a hammock. |
Hippo comed for herz pwize but broughted me a prezzie too! Fanks u JB! |
Poor JB iz being attacked by dat chestburster but I dunt care. |
Cause herz climbed into ma Peeps diorama…. |
and tried sittin in one of dem lil chairs…. |
but acide my big comfy chair suited herz better. |
I wented upstairs affer bein yelled at fur chasing squirrels and let da plushies hab fun time |
fanks fur da fun visit Hippo. |