Jan 272011

scifipawty-2011-pwize-tokipokiThis is a PAWsum prize from TokiPoki.com. We have two prize packs that include a TokiPoki.com t-shirt and membership to TokiPoki.com that will include 50 trading cards and everything else the the site offers!

Check out TokiPoki.com today.

Keep an eye on the quizz schedule, costume contest or other sweepstakes during SCIFIpawty for when you can win these great prizes.

Jan 272011

Our friends at Happy Tails Books is donating two books for prizes.

Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Cats

Cat bookExcerpt: Excerpt: One night, as my aging cats, Tink and Sixx, smugly watched me clean out their litter box, I swore to the good Lord that once they passed, I would no longer have house cats. Maybe a small dog? It was storming outside, and just as I made my claim, there was a bright flash of lightning accompanied by a deafening crack of thunder…which was followed by a sweet meow coming from outside my back screen door. Really. Funny. Callie joined our family that day and has followed me around like a puppy ever since! When I feel overwhelmed, Callie comforts me and reminds me that I was there for her during the storm; I will be rescued someday, too. I will never be without cats: Thanks for the reminder! -Kat Talamantes

You can get more information or order a copy at:


And the other books is…

Hollywood Barks!

Hollywood BarksYour backstage pass to the life, time, and training of Hollywood Dogs…

“Five paws up for Hollywood Barks. Kathryn Segura hits “the mark” on telling the stories of well-known movie dogs and describing how they learn their roles. The training tips from expert trainer Segura can be used with all dogs, whether you want your dog to be a star or a well-mannered pet.” Mary R. Burch, PhD, Director, Canine Good Citizen & AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy

You can get more information or order a copy at:


Keep an eye on the quizz schedule, costume contest or other sweepstakes during SCIFIpawty for when you can win these great prizes.

Mar 122010

Our pal @MaxTheQuiltCat sez dis about his human’s booky…

The name of the book is Ready…Set…Tweet! A Speedy Guide to Twitter

It’s by Lou Belcher, my food human who I call Her Highness.

it’s a speedy guide to getting up and getting started on Twitter.

You can wins a copy here at #scifiPAWTY tomorrow!


Mar 072010

Ma pal Loki (@orangecatblues) did talk he human into donating sum really pawsum prizes for scifiPAWTY.

First up iz one of dem cool red shirt Animinis! Ma human2 haz one of des & herz loves him.

Red Shirt Animini

Next up iz a PAWSUM custom scifi painting of ur pet. Dis sample is of me wif ma Fishy Wish furend on an away mission!

Custom Painting

So be sure to comes to scifiPAWTY fur a chance to wins one of des wunnerful pwizes. Fanks u orangecatblues.

Mar 022010

We hab anutter pawsum pwize from our furend pasikas who doz makes des bootifuls hand painted scarfs.

They are all original designed,handpainted pure silk scarves.Painted by pasikas.

The first is blue, lilac, salmon with pearl art deck embellished design. The second is a salt effect, golden yellow and Indian red. Both 100% pure silk, handpainted.

Bootiful Scarf Bootiful Scarfs

OMC these would look so pawsum on any Orion Slave Girl, Lwaxana Troi or mehbe even a human.

Mar 012010

CatsMa pal morriscat did donates a fun cartoon book about kitties.

The wit and wisdom of our favourite pet. Cats is the latest book from the the card-world’s fastest growing phenomenon. Simple but bold illustrations, bright cheery colours and original, quirky comments have made the Vimrod series of books instant hits. Following classic titles in the series such as Farting and Drinking, Cats is a brilliantly funny must-have book that is perfect for cat lovers everywhere. / To err is human, to purr is cat / One day us cats will rule the world, but in the meantime we’re happy having our heads scratched / Having nine lives can sometimes be quite tiring. I think I’ll take a nap.

Sounds likes loads of fun! But dat not all, morriscat did also sez kitty treats come along wif it! NOM NOM NOM.
Fanks u ma pal morriscat!

Feb 282010

Our furends over at CatToys.com and DogToys.com did donate $25 gift certificates to der stores for our scifiPAWTY.

So ma furry furends will have a chance to spend der $25 how ever dey likes at der online stores.

Der will be one $25 gift certificate from CatToys.com and one $25 gift certificate from DogToys.com.

Fanks u!