Mar 142013

scifipawty tee shirtH2 and I just ordered up our SCIFIpawty shirts. I hopes it arrives before SCIFIpawty so herz can wears it. MOL

Herz ordered a pawsum glow-in-da-dark one wif da new Rocket Zoomin’ Round da Paw Planet logo on it.

Do u likes ma new logo? Let’s me know.

Da new shop iz at Spreadshirt dey do sum pawsum printing (and sum of da shirts gots cool fuzzy printin so u can pet urself MOL).

Here is linky to ma shirt shop:

Right now der iz a coupon to get free shipping when u buys 2 or more shirts. Also any moneys we get (which is $2 per shirt) will be going to One By One Cat Rescue.

Right now we haz $4 from t-shirt sales!

Free Shipping code: EASTER2013 (valid with 2 or more products in your cart from March 11-22, 2013)

Plus u can makes u own Custom T-Shirts wif dem too!

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