Mar 182013

Remember awhile back I did a post about da Shutterfly Yearbooks? shutterfly yearbook 1I wuz tryin to come up wif a good way to incorporate ma anipals into a yearbook. I fink I mighta just comed up wif a purrfect idear.

U knows I just graduated from Pawfleet Academy, right?

Wouldn’t it be pawsum to hab a PAWFLEET YEARBOOK!

Me n ma fellow cadets & graduation pikshures all in a pawsum book to hab & keeps furever. Wot memories! So whether ur at Pawfleet Academy, home schooled or public school you can makes it a school year to remember wif Shutterfly Yearbooks. It really iz da easiest (& funnest) way to preserve ur scool memories. Check out this handsum class.

cadet-boris-1 cadet-william-2 cadet-simba2

cadet-gretchen2 cadet-kleo1 Cadet-cheesecake

cadet-quadpawd cadet-ryker2

We look purrty smart in our cadet uniforms dunt we? Wanna a chance to makes ur beary own yearbook (or utter photo book) ovah at Shutterfly? Just enter ma contest below but HURRY it ends 3/24/13.

shutterfly yearbook

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: dis iz a sponsored post az in i wuz given sumfin fur writin da bloggy (anutter chance to make a photobook fur me or Edgar), but since I do lub all ma Shutterfly photobooks I hab made in da past I did pounce on dis opportunity like it wuz a nip mousie! 

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